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Messages - silvergun superman

Pages: [1]
Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-09-05 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center
« on: September 07, 2010, 03:48:23 PM »
6the time seeing them was also at the Jones Beach show saturday night. PNC I was up on the lawn and even up there the vibe was awesome. Show, in my mind, blew Jones away. Seemed like a lot more was happening on stage and the band was clicking like crazy and just having a good time. I like seeing the joking/talking/messing around in between songs, shows you that what's happening is working. I was hearing a lot of people complaining about that but if it means the show is gonna last longer and I'm still getting thwe same amount of STP music in my life, then go for it! Def on a major STP/music high still even two days after the show..

Quote from: "robschmidt"
Quote from: "DrGONZOakaRaoulDuke"
Quote from: "silvergun superman"
main issue i had with the crowd, other than the amount of people that you could tell had no business being there, was this little f*cker (who was clearly hammered/stoned out of his mind), who once the show started decided to start pushing through, bouncing off people trying to get near the front..he came pushing through people who were much bigger than him and ended up getting bounced off into this girl who he ended up headbutting in the side of her face, and then ended up in front of me...during the whole show his digital and cell stayed up in the air taking picture after picture after picture...i'm not gonna lie, in the past, i have been a picture fiend at shows, but it's really not neccessary to be snapping pics during entire songs for the entire show...

other than that the band was totally on point and put on a hell of a show.

Silvergun, You must have been standing right behind me... I was wearing a black backwards STP hat and I was with the girl who got headbutted. She was not happy to say the least.

I think I know the person that you guys are talking about. Was he wearing a No.4 t-shirt?

yea thats him.....

ps: you the same rob that showed up on line same time as me?

Quote from: "DrGONZOakaRaoulDuke"
Quote from: "silvergun superman"
main issue i had with the crowd, other than the amount of people that you could tell had no business being there, was this little f*cker (who was clearly hammered/stoned out of his mind), who once the show started decided to start pushing through, bouncing off people trying to get near the front..he came pushing through people who were much bigger than him and ended up getting bounced off into this girl who he ended up headbutting in the side of her face, and then ended up in front of me...during the whole show his digital and cell stayed up in the air taking picture after picture after picture...i'm not gonna lie, in the past, i have been a picture fiend at shows, but it's really not neccessary to be snapping pics during entire songs for the entire show...

other than that the band was totally on point and put on a hell of a show.

Silvergun, You must have been standing right behind me... I was wearing a black backwards STP hat and I was with the girl who got headbutted. She was not happy to say the least.

yea man was right behind you, had on the grey CBGB tee...was waiting for you to go at him bc i was gonna got a nice shot in on him tho towards the end, sent him flying backwards....kid was a little piece of sh*t

main issue i had with the crowd, other than the amount of people that you could tell had no business being there, was this little f*cker (who was clearly hammered/stoned out of his mind), who once the show started decided to start pushing through, bouncing off people trying to get near the front..he came pushing through people who were much bigger than him and ended up getting bounced off into this girl who he ended up headbutting in the side of her face, and then ended up in front of me...during the whole show his digital and cell stayed up in the air taking picture after picture after picture...i'm not gonna lie, in the past, i have been a picture fiend at shows, but it's really not neccessary to be snapping pics during entire songs for the entire show...

other than that the band was totally on point and put on a hell of a show.

some shots i got with the cell...kinda pissed didn't bring the digital ... 384d646d8f

Quote from: "Sue"
Quote from: "silvergun superman"
what do you guys think the scalper situation is gonna be tonight?? think it'll be worth coming down without a ticket??

Keep trying Livenation!!  One of my good friends was just going to have dinner with us--couldn't get a ticket, and just pulled one single from the livenation site about 20 mins ago!!


what do you guys think the scalper situation is gonna be tonight?? think it'll be worth coming down without a ticket??

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