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Messages - rockdude_unglued519

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Amazing poll but super difficult

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Re: Boston
« on: September 01, 2010, 04:36:26 AM »
Yes go Lakers hoist that trophy Stern and the ref's gave you. J/K Kobe is a beast. Thanks for the well wishes I'm sure it will be a blast.

Streaming Media / Re: Alan Cross chats with Scott Weiland
« on: August 31, 2010, 09:07:24 PM »
uhhhh we can say it with straight faces because A, we are actually fans who have some measure of faith in the guy and what he says. B he didn't really have as much of a drawl we he was using. C If you look or listen to any recent footage from him he usually is fairly quick witted, well spoken and does not seem to be doped up at all. Lastly if Scott really is shooting up the way some ppl think he is there is noway at this point in time that within two years STP would have reunited, released and promoted a new record while touring for the better part of that time if Scott was shooting up. Anybody else wanna help I think we could go for a while on why we CAN say with a straight face that Scott isn't shooting up. I fuckin hate when people say iggnorant shit like that, ya know the types that shout for Scott to remove the needle if he is thirty seconds late to the stage, then kiss his ass for the entire show and bitch about him when he doesn't sign autographs after.

Happy In Galoshes / Re: Happy in Galoshes Survivor round 4
« on: August 26, 2010, 01:55:11 AM »
I hate to vote for system but I would also love to bring crash or blister back over that any day. it won't happen but I wish.

Dean DeLeo / Re: Happy birthday Dean DeLeo!
« on: August 24, 2010, 01:13:56 AM »
Happy Birthday Dean! Hugs, Kisses and well wishes!

Song Discussion / Re: Take A Load Off next single
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:46:10 PM »
              Here's a thought....maybe they can take out Bagman live and add Take A Load Off instead. That way they can still play their 4 new songs off the album.

That would be more than fair but I guess it kinda goes back to the concert length and setlist debate. Realisticly I would not expect them to say play the whole new album during their tour at any point, but they HAVE to play more new songs live and add to the set at least a bit maybe two, three more songs? They made a great new record the must be proud of that they can actually tour behind and they really need to put it out there and promote it live.

Song Discussion / Re: Take A Load Off next single
« on: June 27, 2010, 01:34:00 AM »
TALO is good choice for a single however I am definetly in the group that feel cinnamon or Fast as I can would be almost ideal choices especially the latter.  Also I would certainly choose First Kiss on Mars or Dare If You Dare as "the ballad" kind of single over Maver. But fuck they really do need to add TALO AND w/e the next single is into their set.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott Weiland: "The internet is all crap"
« on: June 19, 2010, 07:12:57 PM »
Fair enough I tend to agree with Scott big time on this one. Yes the internet can be a wonderful thing. But I think it has really sucked the minds out of people. It's as if so many people out there can't even think for themselves and are too damn lazy to really research a topic and just go to sources like wiki or read half assed attempts at journalisim and consider them to be Gospel. It's pretty sad to when you go out somewhere and you see children and adults alike completly unable to pry themselves from whatever electronic device they're into at the moment. Besides if I were Scott I would resent how the internet affected my life also. I mean the guy can't sneeze without people speculating that he's on drugs or he fucked up and did it the wrong way or w/e. Sorry for the rant but as much as I enjoy and appreciate the net at times, I really think as a society we are all far too reliant on it despite it being so underutilized in some ways.

Song Discussion / Re: Between the Lines
« on: June 18, 2010, 10:30:29 PM »
Dude that is way TOO friggin funny! Major props for that man. That was as much jagger as it was Weiland and I mean that in a good way haha. The whole vid was a riot not even just the dancing the end had me cracking up too. I could def see that gaining some popularity on the net lol. Rock on bro!

On Tour / Re: Does watching Scott live ruin it for you?
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:24:17 PM »
This topic is rediculous. Just like any other singer who is aging you are going to forget lyrics and sing melodies or lyrics a little different. He does fall victim to singing the same songs over and over again and I attribute the vocal changes to mostly boredom. It is lunacy to think any of this has to do with a lack of work ethic. Go see Pearl Jam live and you would lose count of how many lyric fuck ups Ed has. But that isnt the point and if you are stuck on mistakes made by a band playing live then you just dont get it. Have a couple more beers and loosen up.
If you are so concerned about how he sounds then pump crowd noise over your CD and rock out alone at home.
EggFUCKINactly dude! That's what I've saying this whole time. I mean everybody's like " Oh Scott sings the same songs every night for 20 years? Why does he always try to change them and mess them up?" However I feel these people fail to look at the other side of the coin. I mean  the guy wrote the damn songs(along with the boys who CHOOSE,not forced to play with him) and it's absoluety his right to change them up or even slightly flab them up.
Again as I've said before look at Steven Tyler, he is always switching up the way he performs the Aerosmith tunes for the longest time. I'm pretty sure he is well respected. Morrission did the same, obviously to a more extreme level. The Doors are one of the all time greats too. so why should Scott not be able to do the same? Besides I'm pretty sure Scott wouldn't be as admired by us or the performer that he is if he wasn't the type to push the envelope and generally make it more "interesting" for us all to watch?
On a side note it always cracks me up when people post videos of live shows and claim the ideal Scott performance is when he doesn't move around as much and vocally sounds alomst exactly like on the record. Makes me wonder why people go to concerts if they just want to hear the recordings... Unless they want major lip-synchage. :P

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-09-03 - Atlantic City, NJ - Borgata
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:03:50 AM »
Ok guys not to get off topic here at all, but I've thought about all of the frustration that has gone into trying to get tickets for this tour and in general these days, I mean what are they going to do about this and the mohegan show? Announce the on sale date like a week prior and expect us to pull an insane amount of money out of our ass to get up front to see our favorite band?! So long story short a thought occured to me as I was expressing my frusturations to a ticketmaster rep and informed him that this is why they have the reputation they have and why people don't really go to concerts anymore. I really think we should start a petition of sorts here on BE. Since in all honesty I would say we are one of the most informed and possibly influential fan sites on the net, maybe it could start here get some attention and move forward. I don't know just a thought but it's really unfair to make the artists lose money and the fans suffer due to greed from the suits. Let me know what you guys think positive, negative any kind of feedback is welcome.

Scott Weiland / Re: i dreamed of weiland last night.
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:53:20 PM »
Very true and as a longtime fan myself I feel watching them evolve,grow and change is so much more rewarding than it would be to see them trying to recapture any certain sound or "era".

On Tour / Re: Does watching Scott live ruin it for you?
« on: June 14, 2010, 10:41:36 PM »
How does anybody really know know for a fact, not just assume when Scott is or is not around to rehearse with the guys? I mean there is a HUGE difference between skipping soundcheck and skipping rehearsals. I honestly doubt, the guy has realeased and sold all of the albums he has, toured as much as he has with a poor work ethic. I'm not trying to hate on anyone but people really need to realize, that it's not fair to make Scott the scapegoat for every little thing that they would like to be different about STP or w/e project he's involved in. I mean there are three other members of the band who have input and maybe it really was a group descion to not play any of the other new tunes yet. I'm sure they will shortly, but Scott won't get all of the credit then so why give him all of the blame now?

Scott Weiland / Re: i dreamed of weiland last night.
« on: June 14, 2010, 09:45:06 PM »
Ok I know this either going to get me some laughs, smites or maybe both, but I gotta say it. I unlike some of the guys on here who I suspect have or have had the same, have no shame of admitting I've had/have my share of "interesting" dreams involving Scott and/or one of the guys (usually Dean,sometimes Rob but Scott always shows) lol. I guess their my boys named Sue haha

On Tour / Re: 2010 Tour Dates General News/Discussion Topic
« on: June 12, 2010, 07:11:14 PM »
I have no idea I've been trying find out for a few weeks. I'd love to hit that up in addition to the Boston show especially if by some miracle becomes a GA show.

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