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Messages - Lusher

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Streaming Media / 'Big Black Monster'
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:23:26 PM »
heres a clip i made for my website using a snippet of 'big black monster'  hope you guys enjoy

Heres my two cents

The new self titled album by Stone Temple Pilots sounds exactly as a band should thats
confident of exactly what it wants.  Easily the most self assured album of the bands
catalouge as well as the most cohesive and direct.  Lead single 'Between the Lines'
popped the band directly back on top of the current rock pack.  It isn't difficult to
see why.  While not one of their best songs it would be a career highlight of any other band currently milling around the rock and alternative charts.  A welcome blast of tuneful rock that makes radio sound, as much as it can, fresh again.  'Take A Load Off' revisits the bands "Transmissions From A Lonely Room' but improves on the song with a killer chorus and hook. Misstep one arrives in the form of 'Huckleberry Crumble' which simply is an Aerosmith song and in this listeners ears that is a big negative.  The one saving grace comes in the lyrical Lewis Carroll wordplay.  'Hickory Dichotomy' is a down South stomp featuring Weiland as a redneck Iggy Pop.  The song has the ability to stick in your brain in an odd way.  Dean Deleos expert guitar work also elevates this song from being b side filler.  'Dare if You Dare' is a  majestic epic recalling psychadelic Beatles lyrics but musically sounding like a Plastic Ono Era John Lennon.  A song that sits comfortably beside "Lady Picture SHow' and 'Glide.'  A definite album highlight.  'Cinnamon' sounds like it may have been left on Weilands solo side project floor.  A left turn shift for the band that leaves me with visions of bad summertime music videos.  Kids might like this song and adults who are too literal with their expressions of love.  'Hazy Daze' follows a more definitive STP sound with snakelike riffage from Deleo and allusions to Weilands ex wife and drugs.  'Bagman' struts through with a chugging start stop groove and a chorus that recalls the sixties television program 'Batman.'  It sounds too fun of a song to be yet again about such a dark topic as drugs.  'Peacoat' is a mid tempo rocker with some of the best lines on the record.  "Your eyes stare right through me to the back of my face" but falters in a less than stellar chorus.  'Fast As I Can' lives up to its title with its breakneck riffs and scuttling rhythm.  'First Kiss On Mars' brings out the Bowie and the bi polar.  A step in STPs newer directions and the most defined song of that direction.  Album closer 'Maver' is the albums highlight and finds Weiland stepping up his vocal range hitting very nice, and very big notes.  The song about a woman searching for fame but not finding it is destined to be a classic of the STP cannon.  After salivating to hear the album 'Maver' made it all worth the wait. One of those once in a lifetime songs.  STP is definetly back and are proving it with some of their strongest work yet.

7.5 out of 10

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: New Album Favorites
« on: May 19, 2010, 04:46:27 AM »
'take a load off' is nice

Song Discussion / Re: Maver
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:56:43 AM »
jjc i guess it might be your least favorite but this fucker is goin classic.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: New Album Favorites
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:25:01 AM »
'maver' is killin me.  "maybe youll be lucky enough to hear her sing on sundaaaaaaaaaaayyy"   woo hoo.  balls deflated.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: New Album Favorites
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:10:01 AM »
not feelin 'cinnamon' at all.  'last kiss on mars' is pretty excellent as well.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / New Album Favorites
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:00:18 AM »
Dare If You Dare

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: Album Leak Predictions
« on: May 18, 2010, 11:16:48 PM »
so between these assholes, amazon and austrailia i think ill go cryogenically freeze myself until the 25th.

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: - Album Stream
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:57:13 AM »
dont be so cynical.  mmmmmmm.  nah amazon can eat a dick.

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: - Album Stream
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:46:04 AM »
they are gonna post a new song every week until the albums release.  released in austrailia that is.

nah not you brett.  i was referencing a few other people.  its only my seething jealousy thats making me this way as well as the fact that no new song on amazon has raised the level of this to complete and utter horseshit.

apparently not but it sure is fun to make everyone sure who doesnt have it that you do and also to let you know how AWESOME it is.  or as some other people they have no desire to listen to it for the past four days.  i think they also said something about 'fucking snobs' >:D

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: - Album Stream
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:45:52 AM »
'Maver' would give me the happy happies until whenever the fuck the shrimp on the barbiers decide its Christmas early.

vapor,  i have a desire.  really i do.  i also have the ability to offer technical assistance to satiate said desire.

Song Discussion / Re: Dare If You Dare
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:59:45 PM »
whats on the amazon widget on that page

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