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Messages - vicious1

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Scott Weiland / Re: Scott on Howard Stern
« on: May 18, 2011, 10:11:55 AM »
Anyone got a ink to the video of this from Howard TV?

I've got a whole bunch of cool pictures from the recent Australian tour I can swap in return.

Went to every show - check out my shout out 30 seconds in:


So pumped to read reviews! They're almost in Australia!

I'm going to:

19th March - Festival Hall, Melbourne
20th March - Hordern Pavillion, Sydney
21st March - Metro Theatre, Sydney (just announced - small club show, would be lucky to hold 1000 people).
24th March - Entertainment Centre, Newcastle

So stay tuned for reviews and photos! I'm totally gonna meet them too - I have a feeling.


If this is true......

Anyway, I feel that this is true - I just can't wait to see the official confirmation.

To all the other Aussies out there - just think! We'll see STP's name written on a bill for a concert we'll be seeing.

I'm beyond ecstatic!!!!



Constant complaining?

Give me more than one or two instances that this is so?

I've usually had nothing but good things to say - anyway 'Tyrant' - sorry i don't lurk around the board and critique everyone's opinions with a iron fist - like yourself.

My post was about - being thrilled with the new set - but just worried about my favourite frontman/musician out there.



Man! That's not really what I'm saying and you know it. I've seen so many shows and so many good ones at that - a stack of them have been STP shows - you wouldn't find it strange if the Deleo's in every song or 2 fucked up a chord or bassline - constistently? That doesn't happen often - and it's a very rare occurrence - this band musically is tight, proficient, well practiced, utilize loose grooves and subtle tempo variances in sections - and that's their sound

Think about how many versions there are of 'Tumble In The Rough' there are for example floating around - that have lyrics stuff ups in them. Scott used to be on-fire and he was like the James Brown (hardest working man in showbiz) of Rock - now he's boozing himself up and forgetting his own lyrics - like someone almost twice his age.

I'm not trying to insult the guy or appear unappreciative, or knit picking - I'm just a huge STP fan who's heard them throw around the word 'legacy' a bunch of times - and I don't want my fave band to have any blemishes on it.

My nickname by the way is purely coz nearly everything i tried on here was taken - and I was listening to - Lou Reed's 'Transformer' and Vicious - is track 1. Thus vicious1.

I love STP and I have since forever!

You also said Tyrant: There's a HUGE improvement between Scott 2008 and Scott 2010 in every possible aspect.
I completely agree!, but you know - it's not like he was in a Coma for 5 years and came back and 'beat the odds' like some sort of story on Oprah. When it comes down to it he's a dude who's got about 70 possible songs to choose from for a set (usually consisting of 20 tunes) that he's written over 18 years - (mathematically, just under 4 songs a year). I feel that that's more than an adequate enough amount of time - to get that shit down.

Think - 'Vedder' pulls out obscure B-Sides and Covers all the time at PJ gigs - and he loves a few glasses/bottles of red during a show - but he's all over the lyrics - and when he's not - he uses his journal.

Anyway, I don't wanna fight with anyone on this board about STP - coz STP make me the happiest guy in the world!


I honestly can't remember the last time I went to a "perfect" concert and I've been to quite a few over the years. Honestly, if you want perfect, listen to the CD.  Some of STP's songs have wicked complicated lyrics, give the guy a break. 

They're his lyrics though man.

I go see shows all the time (and i've seen some brilliant ones) - they lyrics thing i realy think comes off as Scott being lazy and under rehearsed. I didn't say I want 'perfect' either. But listen to that H&HR from Red Rocks - he fumbles lyrics in both verses - and misses his cue after the bridge. If I know all the lyrics - why doesn't he? They are his after all. Really think about the live performances of STP you've seen of late - musically great - but there's been a lot of covering up stuff ups from Scott.

Anyway, Viva STP! - just get the lyrics together Scotty - a lyrics screen would be awesome.


Some may think this post is a bit harsh - but let me say this: STP are my favourite band for so many reasons!

I'm also - so happy that they've constructed a strong set that features 'album tracks' and 'singles' finally - even if they keep this set for the next year! It's a great one and I hope I get to witness it.

I just get a bit upset by Scott's constant lyric bumbles and pitchy singing - I might sound like a massive whinger - but I mean - come on! They're his melodies, his lyrics and frankly when it all boils down - these gigs and records are his legacy - and I would hate to see such a great, great tunesmith and front-man - taint something so close to me and so many others - just from lack of preparation.

For example: You work in a coffee store - you know your coffee - you don't come to work somedays and forget how to make a Latte' - it's your thing, you take pride in it and you nail that shit! Scott's gotta get these lyrical and queue things together.



I'm still waiting on it.

I now have:

* The Vinyl
* The Deluxe
* Australian Version
* Target w/ bonus DVD version

But am still rather intrigued about this - and it's 2 tracks.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: New Album: Sales Predictions?
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:39:38 AM »

It debuted #21 in Australia ... t_aria.pdf

They were even on the front of a major free city street press that goes out to about 200,000 people. But having said that - I don't think I've heard BTL anywhere yet.

Quote from: "Tyrant"
Quote from: "vicious1"
Listen in headphones and watch Scott's mouth closely - they're trying to save performances - because the real one's are pretty ordinary.
Listen to the audience recording. It's great. As I said before, I can't remember Scott sounding so good during Big Empty in years.

I've A & B them - they're melodined without a doubt man.

Melodine's the new manual note by note tuning program that sounds more natural than auto-tune - it's 100% without a doubt - on there. It can also, when grab a weird note - make certain bits in the timing sound a bit funny.

Can anyone decipher what Scott's saying in the intro of Hickory Dichotomy?

He's going:

Alright, Alright, This song's ........ ........
Alright, Alright, This song's ........ ........

He does it instead of - 'come on'.

Robert stops singing after the first two. Fancy doing something like that on a TV performance - he really carries on like such selfish prick sometimes.

Also, what was with the re-recorded vocals on Big Empty and Between the Lines the night before!!!!? Listen in headphones and watch Scott's mouth closely - they're trying to save performances - because the real one's are pretty ordinary.

This annoys me.

Quote from: "StoneTempleBrett"
Today's the day!  Pumped up to see STP for the 5th time!  If anybody sees me, please let me cut you in line!

(may or may not be wearing flannel)

Where are you there dude? I STP awards...... ????

Robert DeLeo / Re: Deleo Bros To Play With Joe Walsh
« on: May 23, 2010, 11:24:04 AM »
Quote from: "StoneTempleBrett"
Why the fuck are all of these old threads showing up on the frontpage?

Delayed Y2K glitches ;-)

Quote from: "Slim Jim"
Quote from: "vicious1"
I've got 3 so far:

# Vinyl
# The Deluxe Edition (American) - in digipak case
# Australian Version (in normal case - same track listing as Deluxe)

Waiting on:

# American iTunes version
# 2CD fanclub version.

What's the 2CD fanclub version?

This one mate: ... u=STT48959

Keen!!! and intrigued.

I've got 3 so far:

# Vinyl
# The Deluxe Edition (American) - in digipak case
# Australian Version (in normal case - same track listing as Deluxe)

Waiting on:

# American iTunes version
# 2CD fanclub version.

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