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Messages - stpfan31

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Talked to my lil bro who was in attendance last night....

He said Eric started playing trippin when they were supposed to play STT....Dean jokingly called him out on the mic...everyone got a kick out of it.

My brother also said the crowd literally started chanting STP after about 75% of the songs....

One interesting thing to brother said the band didn't talk much to the crowd....obvi we all want to hear music...but I'm surprised Robert or Dean aren't saying a few things about welcoming Jeff into the band.

For fun brother snagged a setlist....but dropped a pick Robert tossed him....Robert seldom uses picks though, right?

Pretty sure I was standing in front of your brother lol, was he standing to the left of the stage in front of Robert, about 3 people back? Anyway it was an amazing show, first time seeing STP live after idolizing them since I was a kid

You're absolutely entitled to your opinion... but you sound like you are rooting for STP with Chester to fail, which makes you sound bitter and kinda immature.

Even though I believe it was meant to be short lived all along, I'm  definitely not hoping for Ches-TP to fail. Yes, personally I don't like High Rise at all, but I still wish the best for it sales wise and hope the DeLeo's and Kretz make lots of money off it. Song-wise though, I was hoping those 5 tracks from High Rise would knock me out of my chair or simply be enjoyable to listen to. I just found the content to be extremely uninspiring to say the very least and I would even go as far to say lazy.
Forget sales/media/shows for a moment. All I'm saying is content-wise on record, I think Weiland and the Wildabouts will give us better material than what is on High Rise.
I was hoping for the same thing with Self Titled but not a single song out of the 12 tracks got even close to giving me any satisfaction. I realize its all opinion based but high rise definitely has some tunes I can enjoy

The Wicked Garden / Re: Black Heart
« on: September 18, 2013, 09:16:17 PM »
Lastly, I think you are forgetting about the power of technology. Scott would easily be able to kill that tune in the studio with the power of technology.
I hope you realize how ridiculous that sounds. Is it really killing it if you need auto-tune and a ton of layered over-produced vocals to pull something off?

Autotine is used in almost everything nowadays. Self-Titled Scott was not singing 100% naturally, and you liked that, right? Chester's voice in this tune has some computer assistance and you dig it. So what is the difference?
I can honestly say I did not enjoy S/T aside from Fast as I Can and TALO, and still I was a bit turned off by the vocals on those songs. I'm not saying I condemn the use of auto-tune, as an effect its alright, but when its used as a pitch correction because someone can't sing properly or hit the correct notes its a turn off for sure. To me it takes the talent and skill out of being a musician. Chester can pull off his studio vocals live pretty much perfectly while Scott nowadays makes a fool of himself. Blame it on drinking or drugs or whatever but he definitely lost his god given ability to sing no doubt about it and its sad

The Wicked Garden / Re: Black Heart
« on: September 18, 2013, 08:12:10 PM »
Lastly, I think you are forgetting about the power of technology. Scott would easily be able to kill that tune in the studio with the power of technology.
I hope you realize how ridiculous that sounds. Is it really killing it if you need auto-tune and a ton of layered over-produced vocals to pull something off?

The Wicked Garden / Re: Black Heart
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:52:59 PM »
For everyone mentioning Scott...has anyone actually heard him at the Utica Arts & Music Festival? I'm not trying to insult him because I idolized him growing up, but he doesn't sound like the old Scott anymore. Everyone is holding on to the Scott of the past, the Scott of the 90s and the "in his prime" Scott of 2008-2009 but is failing to admit how he is now. He can't sing the old STP songs anymore, let alone new music. He suffered a MAJOR vocal chord injury a few years back, and if you include the abuse he's done to himself with drugs and alcohol he's a shadow of his former self. He sings off key at some concerts, and he forgot some of the lyrics at that show (Interstate Love Song being the best example).
Despite being a Linkin Park fan; I'd love Scott to be involved with the band, but it's not going to happen. Everyone saying that Scott would do these songs justice is being dellusional and holding on to the old Scott. Sure, old Scott would've destroyed it on this track and owned it. But old Scott hasn't been around for a long time.
I'll probably get flack for saying this, but it needed to be said.
+1 feel the exact same way. I've come to terms with Scott not being the Scott we all want him to be, but some people can't let it go

The Wicked Garden / Re: Black Heart
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:30:55 PM »
Beats anything off of S/T except for maybe Fast As I Can, really love the verse riff. Poppiest song they've ever written? Not by a long shot, Cinnamon anyone? Great tune 8/10

As much as I hate to say it, this sounds a hell of a lot more like the band that played Rolling Rock than the STP of 2012.

That's the exact vibe I was getting watching some video's of the performance. It feels fresh, and Chester's got a great voice that I feel
fits the songs very well. He may not be Scott, but honestly neither is Scott himself in a sense. As much as I hate to admit it, he's just a
shell of what he used to be. Chester grew up idolizing Scott and his persona and it shows in the performances. I think this was a great
move by the band, feels more STP than 2008-2013 STP with Scott

this is probably the best thing they could have done for the the band

Streaming Media / Re: Cool/Rare STP videos from youtube
« on: November 25, 2011, 04:05:53 AM »

Sour Girl on leno. Surprisingly I've never seen this one so i thought maybe some of you haven't either. Amazing performance, best one of sour girl I've seen
Don't remember seeing this one either, it's gorgeous, thanks!

No problem! :D

Streaming Media / Re: Cool/Rare STP videos from youtube
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:31:50 AM »

Sour Girl on leno. Surprisingly I've never seen this one so i thought maybe some of you haven't either. Amazing performance, best one of sour girl I've seen

Blink 182 - Snake Charmer

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott Weiland Interview - Realization of Addiction
« on: September 22, 2011, 12:58:26 AM »
wow he sounds really coherent here

Fuel - Bittersweet

Played Shows / Re: Scott Weiland @ private party 8/27/11
« on: August 30, 2011, 04:16:01 AM »
idk i was kinda thinking he might have but maybe its just the way he has his hair and is smiling... ???

Played Shows / Re: Scott Weiland @ private party 8/27/11
« on: August 30, 2011, 12:08:48 AM »
whatever it is he looks younger and pretty healthy besides looking pale, maybe just the lighting

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