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Messages - bigemptycreep

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It was really quite diverse (#3 is Nuthin' but a 'G' Thang by Dr. Dre) from a site that is typically so devoted to Indie music.

those indie guys, with their eyebrow rings and their backpacks and ball caps are closet ganstas anyway. I'm not surprised they're trying to get love from the hip-hop world. They crave it. You know they all love beastie boys cuz it's hip-hop, but it' know...and their favorite Lincoln Park song is the one with Jay-Z in it too.

hey I'm just kddin' around...but seriously, tell me you didn't go to high school with 10 guys like that...and if you only knew 9, well guess're #10 and I probably offended you HAHA! I have a beef with any best of the 90s list that doesn't put Smells Like Teen Spirit 1st. I'm not gonna get all emotionally involved over songs I like but really, Aliyah beat's out Nirvana?

says the author of this songs review...

"""More than any single song, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" altered the face of the 90s."""

Anyone disagree? So how is it not #1?.

The fact that the Cardigans beat out STP by about 100 songs makes me laugh and that's where it ends for me.

What I did like is that the descriptions for each song delve more into the impact and the significance that particular song had on the 90s, the artist or the fans blah blah blah so I gotta think there are a lot of songs on there that should have been higher, but hey, just my pair of pennys.

One thing is for sure, I had a lot of fun thinking back on all those ol' tunes, high school dances, bus rides, jamming in music class, watching videos with friends, making mix tapes and burning cds. I'm surprised that no Aerosmith song made the list, no least I don't think i saw one and the lone Alice in Chains entry was "Would?" and no Cheryl Crow "All I Wanna Do" or Meatloaf "I would do anything for love(but I wont do that)". um...Achy Breaky Heart anyone? "Everything I do I do it for you" by Bryan Adams was in the 90s, no? ok, now I'm just stretching it... ;D

Just got home about an hour ago...WHAT A SHOW!!!

I had floors, and was where I always seem to be, Robert's side...I was about 3 people back from the rail so AMAZING!

took in all three bands, but obviously I'm going to tell you about the stars of the show...

set list went...This is going to be partially out of order...but here goes and sorry if I miss something

Wicked Garden
Between the Lines
Big Empty
Heaven and Hot Rods
Still Remains
Hickory Dichotomy
Hazy Daze
Huckleberry Crumble
Silvergun Superman
Pretty Penny
Sex Type Thing
Dead and Bloated

The guys threw in all kinds of fun stuff in between songs which made it cool and they seemed really hyped for the show and the crowd was every bit as energized as they were. One of my favorite moments of the night was right at the end, taking a few extra bows and out tun the rug rats...a mini version each of Dean and Eric, soon to be scooped up in their fathers' arms and suddenly you see Robert hoisting Scott into his arms as a nice, but blurred photo of it.

This ranked right up there with Sarnia, which was my first STP live show. What made it nice was only needing to take the subway instead of hurtling down endless stretched of highway and not having to go to stinky Hamilton This being my third in a bit over a year, I can't wait until next time.

I was surprised to see a rather sloppy mosh pit form and crowd surfing too. I'm tired...let's talk about it tomorrow

On Tour / Re: How does STP justify such short concerts?
« on: August 23, 2010, 04:39:16 AM »
I think 2 hours would be great. I think I'm appeased with a hour and a half set, but I left feeling like I missed out on some songs I wanted to hear. I don't mean I want to hear every b-side and unrecorded stuff, but songs like Lady Picture Show should be in the mix somewhere(I know they opened a lot of the first reunion tour with it)

When I saw Metallica what I really thought was cool was the extra talking to the crowd that James does. Maybe he cares, maybe he doesn't, but it was nice to at least believe that he cares a little bit more about the thousands of people in the crowd. There is a different energy level of course between those two bands and for sure different front men do their thing different. A lot of the time, especially the second time I saw them last year Scott didn't say much more than the names of the songs. I wound't mind some more interaction, but that would only just be an 'icing on the cake thing' 5-6 more songs would be really sweet.

Nice interview. More of a commentary on the happenings of the band with a few quotes mixed in, but good job.

On the Atlantic comments...if the band hates them for their reasons, let the band hate them, we don't have to hate them because we love the band.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Soundgarden members trash Stone Temple Pilots
« on: August 23, 2010, 03:51:48 AM »
Ok, so what is this topic even about anymore?

So we, being the STP army, must slang and tear down anything or anyone who would dare have the audacity of saying the slightest negative thing or making a silly cartoon. I haven't read the article, if they go out of their way to badmouth or try to make insinuations about STP's motive then it's just trash and realistically, no one out there but established fans really cares if they have a feud. Something tells me this wont make TMZ lol.

it won't be long til Chris Cornell gets enough money from this reunion to go back into his shitty solo career.

Won't lie one of the funniest things i've ever seen was a tweet from Trent Reznor "You know that feeling you get when somebody embarrasses themselves so badly YOU feel uncomfortable? Heard Chris Cornell's record? Jesus." hahahaha i lost it when i read that.

1...I'm sure SG fans could say the same thing about Scott
2...Best tweet ever!

its to bad that sg and stp dont get along that would be an awsome show to see both bands together. however stp doesnt need money i dont know why people think there coming back for money thats a joke. now sg they havent done shit in 13 years and there bass player ben shepherd is broke and sleepin in a studio so sg is only together for money and yes chris cornell is a dick with an ego. sg is not going to last thats just my opinion. stp always has fresh ideas and still making great records and playing sold out shows constantly. stp will never let me down they are too badass.

You sound kinda like someone who is trying to show everyone on this site just how mucb of an STP fan you are by indemnifying SG and idealizing STP. No one can ever say that anything isn't at least somewhat about money. Dudes want to make money and be famous and bang groupies. You can go on and on and tell me about the love of music, I'm not saying that these same guys don't love their music, but the money is on the mind too.

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-08-29 - Toronto, ON - TBD
« on: August 11, 2010, 06:59:16 AM »
very very very excited about this concert.

so what's everyone doing, where's everyone going, any chance of a BE meet and greet somewhere?

just a thought, I'm actually going with someone who is not a BE member, so maybe not...

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-08-29 - Toronto, ON - TBD
« on: July 26, 2010, 07:17:59 AM »
As far as the GA1/GA2/GA3 thing, it may be for security and/or bylaw purposes where you can only have so many people designated to a certain space of a certain size so there needs to be at least a theoretical divide.

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: How annoying?!
« on: July 16, 2010, 05:58:04 AM »
Do you remember before there was an internet and mass media and streaming video and you couldn't get every picture of every show and every sound from every song?

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-08-29 - Toronto, ON - TBD
« on: June 12, 2010, 03:25:31 AM »
Just got my tickets in the mail today!!! got floors through the pre-sale

this will be my third STP show in 14 months, can't wait!

On Tour / Re: Presale Bullshit
« on: June 12, 2010, 03:21:52 AM »
I bought my tickets for the Toronto show June 9th. There was a pre-sale (a couple actually)and being a member of certain radio station websites or stuff like that will usually yield you access to their shows.

I can't help you much for this show, but in the future, find out if there is a local radio station cross promoting the show and check out their site for pre-sale info.

I was able to get a pre-sale code from livenation and didn't have to pay a bullshit $45 just to buy a ticket. My tickets arrived today actually!!!

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: Happy STP Day!
« on: May 26, 2010, 07:47:12 AM »
woke up this morning...didn't have work until 1, so I told my wife I was taking the eldest(she's 3, but knows all the words to "the hits") "shopping" so we made a quick stop of and bought the extended(Future Shop - which is Canada only, right?..extra tracks are somba nova, and live performances of vasoline, hickory dichotomy, and between the lines "from chicago" so whatever version that is, I got it.) There is no Target in Canada so didn't get THAT version, we have Walmart...I think there is some kind of special they are having as well, but I just feel weird about buying music there. It's really hard not to blast a new cd with a 3 year old in the car because little ears are sensitive and the actual shopping done just in time to drop everything off at home and head to work. so I flip back to 1 and crank wife gave me such a look when it came on and she could hear it up the driveway and inside the front door.

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: STP on the Edge 102.1
« on: May 26, 2010, 07:39:01 AM »
I listened...I was...underwhelmed I guess is the best word.

I loved that they were showcasing the new album, but I thought Adam Corrola was a bit bland. They didn't seem to get into the workings of this album as much a s they talked about how the band formed etc...don't we all know that story?

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: JUST SAW THE STP ALBUM TV AD!!
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:51:53 AM »
not to be a cynic or anything, but it's almost like they're trying to sell the new album through the old albums. I get it, loads of people, even people who used to be fans don't know they're back together. I noticed that matrix lettering thing too, maybe that WAS a commercial made for Thank You but they never aired it or something and now they've used it and thrown in that last bit about the new album? I don't know, I'm all for the promotion, but I think saying to people..."Remember Sex Type Thing and Plush and Vasoline and Sour Girl and Interstate Love Song and Trippin... and Down? Well, those guys made a new album" isn't the right way ton promote this new album.

unless of course they don't think anyone is going to buy it and they want to prop it up against all the old stuff...

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: KROQ to premiere new album
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:34:15 AM »
The EDGE 102.1 in Toronto will be playing the album front to back I think sometime this week. I'm scouring their website right now but I'm assuming there will be several stations who have promotional ties doing the same....either way, you could tune in via web if a local station is not on board.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Repetition of Lyrics
« on: April 23, 2010, 06:28:01 AM »
Quote from: "OnlyDying73"
this is unbelievably awesome! its kindve ironic that no two STP albums sound the same and yet the lyrics r

one guy writes the lyrics, two guys write the songs(basically) you can kinda sing about the same stuff...thematically, you can't play the same songs over and over and over though. I think Scott is very different from Dean and Rob. I think those two are just complete music heads and it's kinda like how the Beatles and the Beach Boys kinda kept on creating new sounds and new ways of doing their thing in the studio because they pushed that musical envelope.

I think you kinda have to place the words and kinda tie the metaphorical meaning to them in the context of the song and where he's going with it. I'd say it's 50/50 as far as a continual meaning of certain words and phrases in his lyrics as opposed to lyrics that just share similar words.

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