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Messages - WhenTheItchGetsBad

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
« on: August 25, 2009, 01:03:44 AM »
Holy shit.
Fucking killer.

Scott Weiland / Re: Mary Weiland releasing a book on Scott
« on: August 25, 2009, 12:55:19 AM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
Quote from: "VelvetLounngeFly"
How can you say she doesn't look sober? and what drives you to say that the book is about Scott using? Mary sacrificed modeling very long ago. as for "our Scotty"  this is the mother of his children and someone he still loves dearly so just because you didn't get to marry him doesn't mean you should bash her. I believe this book is going to be focused on the problems of both being users and suffering bipolar disorder, most people throw that word around for everyone that is either stupid or has "multiple personalities" but is actually a very nasty confusing yet powerful disorder, it must be hell trying to raise your kids while you both have it.
As for the fans i think there's just gonna be constant bashing and calling this a money grab decision, again whether it's good or bad it's still publicity and they will both benefit from it and it will also be a good read for couples that have this problem which is a very sad one.

I don't want to marry Weiland.  I've got a good one over here that I'm tying the knot with in a few weeks.  I'd take him over a bi-polar drug addict any day of the week.  I love Weiland's music, I love his writing, I love what he does for all of us.  Yeah, I think Weiland's hot as hell.  Yeah, I have a vagina.  No, that doesn't mean that my lifelong goal is to persue an actual relationship with him.   :P

Mary "gave up" modeling?  Psh.  I'm an absolute fashion whore.  Neither myself, any of my fashion-savvy girlfriends, or anyone on here had ever heard of or seen her until Weiland started dragging her around.  She was a wannabe model that never made it big, then decided to tell people she "quit to take care of her kids."  She got pregnant and old - I'd hardly call that "sacrificing your career."

She might be the mother of his children, but that doesn't somehow make her NOT a money-grubbing, addict whore.  Real nice for the mother of his children to write a book and reveal all sorts of personal information about their fallen marriage.  Super move.  I'm sure the children will appreciate that as adults.   ::)

You don't know her. Just because YOU and YOUR friends had never heard of her until she entered "Weiland World" suddenly means she wasn't successful at what she did? So she wasn't a household name, big fucking deal. She's fucking gorgeous. There are probably dozens of incredibly successful models you've never heard of in your life sitting on boat loads of money due to their success. I guess none of them matter until Weiland dates them too, though, huh.
I would hardly call her a "money-grubbing, addict whore". An addict, maybe, but can you count on one hand how many of your favorite musicians were at one time or another drug addicts? Shit. Now try that with successful models all over the country. Drug addiction is everywhere, from the streets of Harlem to your sibling's medicine cabinet, so she's no Satan just because she's had her fair share. I hear you guys always talking about Weiland and his drug addiction. So Weiland's ex-wife happened to be a drug addict and that's not okay, but when Weiland uses drugs he's suddenly a victim? That's how a vast majority of you approach the situation, and it comes accross as rather hypocritical when you talk about people like Mary being vile addicts. News flash, Scott is in the same boat, ladies and gentlemen. He's no alter boy. If I had to put money on which one of them has been sober for longer, I'll let you guess at who my candidate would be.
Money-grubbing whore? How? She's got a story to tell, and she's going to tell it in what I can imagine being a pretty compelling autobiography, assuming she can write. Keep in mind folks, she did have a life before Scott Weiland.
Nobody's perfect, including Scott Weiland. You bash others for the exact same thing you just defended Scott Weiland for. He used, she cheated, they both suffer from bi-polar disorder. Neither of them is any better or worse than the other.

Also, in one of my very rare defenses of Scott Weiland, I can bet any money he would not take too kindly to you reducing his name to a "bi-polar drug addict".

On Tour / Fall Dates Now?
« on: August 14, 2009, 01:25:19 AM »
I figured with the summer tour coming to a close, they'd be headed right back into the studio to finish their new album, which is slated for a late 2009-early 2010 release (depending on who you ask).
Apparently not.
Enter the STP Fall West Coast Swing. There are only 3 dates as of now, but knowing STP, they'll add a few more within the next month or so.
My question now is, where are they fitting in time for the new album? The actual release date seems to be getting further and further away as we get closer to the projected release date.
What are everybody else's thoughts on this?

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: stp new album
« on: July 31, 2009, 05:53:47 AM »
Quote from: "andrew"
Quote from: "WhenTheItchGetsBad"
Quote from: "andrew"
Same with me. Too many people have said Christmas '09, so now I'm expecting it, even though I know I shouldn't be expecting an album before we even have a single.

I'm prepared to be disappointed, it wouldn't be the first time something I've been waiting for got postponed.



I was in agreement with you.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: stp new album
« on: July 31, 2009, 05:41:55 AM »
Quote from: "andrew"
Same with me. Too many people have said Christmas '09, so now I'm expecting it, even though I know I shouldn't be expecting an album before we even have a single.

I'm prepared to be disappointed, it wouldn't be the first time something I've been waiting for got postponed.


Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: stp new album
« on: July 31, 2009, 05:33:51 AM »
Quote from: "STP92"
Quote from: "BrandoKommando"
I think the best Christmas gift I could ask for would be a brand-new STP record...
Come on' Rik, we're just looking for a bone here...

I'm assuming that there WILL be a new record out around X-MAS, right?


It's too late for me. I've already convinced myself that a new STP album will be out by Christmas 2009. If it doesn't happen, I'll be very dissapointed. Based on what the band has been saying it should be coming out in December.

Don't hold your breath.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« on: July 21, 2009, 04:05:19 AM »
Quote from: "VeiledTrickerySTP"
Quote from: "WhenTheItchGetsBad"
Whether it be celebrity status or musically, Slash will always be relevant. Like I said, I don't like Slash's music more than Weiland's, but I can admit that Scott Weiland will never have more relevance than Slash.
You always forget one thing, Slash is considered the only guitar hero (not the video game) left. Who has come after Slash that has been considered a monumental rock guitarist?
Now how many singers that have come out since Weiland that have been considered great singers. Weiland is the last of the great frontmen in rock and roll, that's true, but it's apparent that the music industry doesn't care anymore. They'd rather watch American Idol.

I think Slash is awesome. I just think with mainstream music scene as it is, Slash and his contemporaries will not be as relevant as they should be. You are right that Slash is more known than Scott Weiland. But that's more a fault of bad management and bad decisions.

And I don't think there will be any one that comes close Slash's accomplishments in the future. I think music is going downhill and we're lucky to still have these kind of icons going strong.

I agree.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« on: July 20, 2009, 08:08:54 PM »
Whether it be celebrity status or musically, Slash will always be relevant. Like I said, I don't like Slash's music more than Weiland's, but I can admit that Scott Weiland will never have more relevance than Slash.
You always forget one thing, Slash is considered the only guitar hero (not the video game) left. Who has come after Slash that has been considered a monumental rock guitarist?
Now how many singers that have come out since Weiland that have been considered great singers. Weiland is the last of the great frontmen in rock and roll, that's true, but it's apparent that the music industry doesn't care anymore. They'd rather watch American Idol.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« on: July 20, 2009, 04:39:36 PM »
Quote from: "cagedtiger1640"
"Whether you want to admit it or not, Scott Weiland will never have the cultural or musical impact that Slash has had on the world.
That's it."

A little off topic but your right "has" had (GnR was a huge cultural phenomenon), but were living in the present right now and Scotty is more relevant musically in 2009 than Slash (we're talking musically here, not celebrity wise).  I don't want to argue just putting in my two cents.  I'm just glad STP is back together.  To me there music is more interesting and diverse.  I dig there interesting textures and chord progressions compared to the straight forward rock VR made.  I remember doug saying something similar in an interview earlier this year.    Now i'm not trying to start an agruement thats just my opinion on the music.  Also I would be willing to say that STP is just as relevant as VR was after the initial hype.  I"m willing to bet the new STP will sell just as much or more than Libertad.

No, Scott Weiland will never be more relevant musically then Slash. You can't even argue that with a straight face. How many times has Weiland been on the cover of a video game? Walk up to 10 kids on the street. First ask them who Scott Weiland is, then ask the who Slash is.
As far as who's music I like better as a whole, probably Weiland. I'm not a big GNR fan. But Weiland will never be Slash.

Quote from: "detomaso"
The delays between songs Friday night were minimal compared to last year's STP show.

Last year it was literally at least 30 seconds to a full minute between songs.
This year's show was FAR superior to last year's in just about every way. And Velvet, I remember when Dean had that little moment with the roadie. Did you notice all that little shit here and there that Dean added to each song? Very cool.

Very interesting about The Edge, too. I saw this documentary about U2 on tour during the Dismantle era, and they showed under the stage before the show. Now keep in mind this is when U2 was doing that massive circle stage that Bono would run around and shit. Practically the entire inner circle was a wall of Edge's guitars. I'm not a huge U2 fanatic, but I really dig the Edge's style. Simplistic, but driving the point home. Much in the ways of Johnny Marr, he's an atmospheric guitarist rather than a showcase guitarist.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« on: July 20, 2009, 02:55:03 AM »
Quote from: "Wingless Bird"
Sorry I just need to say this: I bet that scott doesn't give a shit what slash says about him so why should we?
Hahahaha, word.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« on: July 19, 2009, 10:40:28 PM »
I really wasn't going to say anything more in regards to this topic, but, thank you.
Some people get it, some don't.

No pictures though?

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: Stone Temple Pilots beanie?
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:28:36 PM »
Quote from: "benwalton"
Quote from: "StoneTempleBrett"
I want a Stone Temple Pilots beanie baby.

...That'd be pretty Plush right?  ;D

Wow.. lol.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Slash trashes Scott Weiland
« on: July 19, 2009, 09:26:36 PM »
Quote from: "Casual"
I still love you, WhenTheItchGetsBad.  I love everyone on here.  Don't let this argument make you think differently. You are still a class act.    :)

Sorry I know I wasn't supposed to post again.  But I am not arguing this time.

I should hope there's no hard feelings. The whole point of this message board is to exchange opinions and thoughts on STP related topics. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we have to be enemies. It's the nature of the beast when highly opinionated people congregate on one place at one time.
Things get heated, but there's no hate, at least from my end end, against anyone.

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