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Messages - otisroom

Pages: [1]
The Wicked Garden / Re: Doug Grean calls out
« on: July 13, 2012, 07:50:57 AM »
Hey guys. This is Doug Grean-

I just read thru this post and realize that was a pretty dickish thing to do. So I apologize publicly to you Brett. You seem like a good guy.

I guess in the future I will not post stuff on my FB page I don't want showing up in grunge report or Blabbermouth or anywhere else. Which means I won't be posting much Weiland news because that's what gets the attention. I tend to forget that any one but friends are watching my FB wall or that people reposts stuff I say. I will definitely be less of a dick now that I see anybodies keeping track. In the past I've been childish and used profanity on my wall because it's my wall and I feel I should be able to act anyway I want to - it's like being out drinking with your buds and you call someone a dick. 2300 people don't hear about it and judge you for it. But that's cool. Perhaps I should start a private FB where I can go off in private and not have to worry about press.

I do not consider my self famous or a rockstar so the fact that things might get reposted around the web isn't the first thing I thing of when I'm wising off or trying to be funny or cursing like a sailor.

So lesson learned.

I will let Weiland's Publicist dispense all SW news from now on.

I'm reposting part of this on my FB so you all know this is the real me.

Good night

Softdrive Records / Re: Scott Weiland Vlog
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:27:43 AM »
Quote from: "wickedgarden23"
Quote from: "STPCreep"
Whoa, Doug's on here?!
That's awesome haha. Hi Doug!
Haha I had similar thoughts...if that's you Doug, cheers brotha! Keep on rockin

And that's a sweet video of Scott...I hadn't seen that yet. He looks great i'm happy for him

Yes it's me- and hi back at you.

Scott's slowly warming up to the video blog idea so hopefully he'll be participating more in the future. And he seems to be getting funnier too so hopefully more of that kind of light hearted stuff as well.


Softdrive Records / Re: Scott Weiland Vlog
« on: June 07, 2009, 02:58:16 AM »
Quote from: "Blue"
Wow he's looking really healthy there! It's great to hear from him and instead of Doug. Doug's a cool guy, but it gets annoying having every Scott Weiland Band Vlog about Doug instead of the guy who's name is on the album

Dude don't you think we would have him in more vlogs if he'd do it? Do you really think that I'd cut out some footage of Scott to put more footage of me in a vlog?- that's ridiculous. Every time I can get him to agree to participate in a vlog you guys see it- he just doesn't want to participate very often.


On Tour / Re: Live Recordings from 2009 SW Solo Tour
« on: June 07, 2009, 02:49:56 AM »
Quote from: "STPHEAD"
Perhaps Doug & Scott could provide rabid fans of BelowEmpty who follow their every move with a special live single of "Hello It's Late" ... As a nice gesture of course  :P

Probably will try to salvage this one song from that show if possible- remains to be seen- but will try-

PS pricing not up to me :(

Softdrive Records / Re: The Softdrive Show
« on: April 22, 2009, 06:03:29 PM »
I'm trying not to post on these forums much because it only gets me in trouble (haha). But I read this thread and I have to say and take it from a guy that knows the signs by heart. Scot's speech issues are not because of cocaine or heroin. Believe me because I know when dudes doing either. I have seen all permutations. My opinion is it's the bi-polar meds. They are kind of strong but when he doesn't take them he gets really depressed and uncomfortable and then he does start with the illegal drugs and you all know what that leads to... much worse things. So it's a question of the lesser of two evils. I personally would rather him be a little mush mouthed from his meds then out shooting dope and maybe dying or getting arrested or shot or some shit.

And just a word about the episodes. You guys are going to see some stuff you like and maybe some stuff you don't like. But we are just trying to give a really intimate view (poop jokes aside) of what goes on around softdrive. We thought that people would be interested and it's a way to give something back to the fans for free and (lets be honest) promote the label and the bands. So far the response has been a hundred percent positive and I thank you all for that.

PS this version of FTP was just a special one off for that gig we did. The version that we may or may not be playing out on tour is louder and more like the OG though still different.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Should Scott Get Back With VR ?
« on: January 08, 2009, 07:39:21 AM »
I think that STP is going to make a record in the next 6 months. Probably won't come out for 9 months, maybe the begining of next year. They will tour it and by the end of the tour they will probably be kind of sick of each other. You'd all be sick of each other too after that kind of grueling work.

Then perhaps some company will offer VR some big money to get back together and by then the bad stuff will have been forgoten and they will. For a while.

In between all this I think Scott will probably do little solo runs and make another Solo record in pieces here and there like the last one but hopefully not 10 years.

And then the whole thing will start all over again.

In the past I've made it seem like it was all based on money but that's not entirely what I think today. I think it's a combination of money and love. They did have a good time in both bands and the bad memories fade over time and the good memories are what stays. It's called euphoric recall.

So that's my insiders opinion on what will happen in the future. I'm not trying to bum anyone out or anything like that.


Streaming Media / Re: Scott Weiland Unreleased Track???
« on: December 16, 2008, 05:00:14 AM »

This is Doug Grean

The track on here is called "Full Blown John" and it was one of the very first songs Scott and I did together back in 1998. It was never released and I don't know how it got out and about of the internet.

It was never really finished. So what your hearing is kind of an unmixed demo version of the track.

This was not a 12bb out take but was done about 8 months after 12bb came out so there's a lot of similarities.


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