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Messages - clyde frog

Pages: [1] 2
Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: innsbrookafterhours May 4th, Richmond, VA
« on: March 12, 2011, 05:41:02 AM »
I haven't been to Innsbrooke in like 5 years but Im from Richmond and have seen many shows there. Its pretty much a venue directed to the blue collar crowd with bands that are more or less washed up, which is why I too was surprised to learn that STP is going to play there. I don't really remember too much about the sound capabilities. Only thing I am sure of is that it is a big time cop fest, so keep that in mind if you decide to bring/ do anything illegal.  The only reason why I might go to this is b/c its 20 minutes from my house.

Streaming Media / Re: Cool/Rare STP videos from youtube
« on: February 06, 2011, 03:53:46 AM »
I COULD HAVE SWORN seeing back in the day footage of Scott being put into a police car around the time of his first arrest. Not sure if it was the day of the actual offense, but i remember seeing it on the old mtv rockumentary or something, back when he still had facial hair. Anybody know what im talkin about or is my mind making shit up?

I've seen footage of that. It's from '95 I think.

yea, this looks like it might be it. Where did you find the photo?

Streaming Media / Re: Cool/Rare STP videos from youtube
« on: February 05, 2011, 12:59:16 AM »
I COULD HAVE SWORN seeing back in the day footage of Scott being put into a police car around the time of his first arrest. Not sure if it was the day of the actual offense, but i remember seeing it on the old mtv rockumentary or something, back when he still had facial hair. Anybody know what im talkin about or is my mind making shit up?

Of course they do, they were probably waiting for hours to get a good spot to see the band and weren't going to give it up for someone trying to push through to the front of the stage close to showtime. Since when did general admission become something else than first-come-first-serve? Did I miss anything?

The whole point of general admission is no desginated seats, therefore, no designated occupation of any kind. No one said anyone had to wait for hours to hold a spot. They could have just as easily moved to the front of the stage like myself and many others. Its a rock show, not a restaurant with reservations, thats what the VIP section is for.

Not trying to sound like a smart ass, but I thought Scott's inebriation was a little amusing, paritcularly at the beginning of the show when he almost took a dive, recovered himself, and then did a couple of elaborate body spins to try to play it off.

With that out of the way, Scott was way more alive,talkative, and engaged with the crowd then the last time I saw them, and it looked like he was actually enjoying the gig, which I was very grateful to see. Kinda disapointed that he didnt come out and sing with Alice in Chains though, which I REALLY wanted to see.

One buzzkill about General Admission shows though are the douche bags who think they they have dibs on standing room. One guy even tried to keep me from going around him when I was trying to get up to the front of the stage.  If there is no seat number on the ticket, then you have no grounds for bitching about people getting in front of you. Then again when I remember those people, they were old farts, so there ya go  ::)  :P

so is alice in chains coming on before stp? guess that means their set will be around 5pm if stp is going on between 7:30-9pm, right?

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott Weiland gained 40 pounds
« on: May 14, 2010, 01:12:03 AM »
why does everyone on here consider 135 lbs to be anorexic?Im 5'8" and weigh a  little under 135 but its not like u can see my ribs sticking out. I know my metabolism is high cuz i dont eat particularly healthy and i drink alot of full bodied beers. But im sure by the time im 35 it will slow down and i'll have to start doin the gym, at least thats what people tell me.

Anyway,  being that i am around scott's same measurements 5 years ago, i would have to say from the looks of him back then that he weighed even less than 135, keeping in mind that TV adds ten pounds.

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-05-22 - Washington, DC - RFK Stadium
« on: April 16, 2010, 07:09:27 AM »
got my tix today! yea fuck that VIP deal...i dont really consider that VIP if the GA tikets get you closer to the band than the VIPs do.ITs all about being up front next to the stage. Who else is going?Me and my buddy are getting a  motel room  for the night thats close by so bring the party our way!

Do you think Scott will sing on any AIC songs? Hoping so cause that is one of the main reasons Im going. I've seen both bands within  the past 6 months so the bonus will be some collaborations.

how does one become addicted to nasal spray? Jesus...only Scott! guy could get hooked on mothballs if they rubbed him just right. ::)

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-05-22 - Washington, DC - RFK Stadium
« on: April 03, 2010, 02:44:20 AM »
thanks bro...i am definitly going now!

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-05-22 - Washington, DC - RFK Stadium
« on: April 03, 2010, 12:52:26 AM »
are you postive there wont be seating? I mean, it is a stadium.Sorry but I just want to be sure before I buy tickets :p

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2010-05-22 - Washington, DC - RFK Stadium
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:27:03 AM »
Does anyone know if this gig will be seating and no general admission?

The ticket sites say that but I just wanted to make sure. Despite how badly I want to see Alice in Chains and STP play together, not beeing able to get up near the stage defeats the whole concept of seeing a live show, atleast for me.

i told my third grade teacher when she asked us individually what we wanted to be when we grow up that i wanted to be a junkie,thinkng it as a joke from that old early 90s anti drug commercial with the kid who says he wants to be a junkie when he grows up. didnt know what a junkie was, but she took me seriously and i got in BIG trouble. I cant decide whether the teacher was incredibly stupid for taking an 8 year old seriously about that comment or just being a total frigid bitch.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott's shirt form 1994
« on: March 25, 2010, 04:57:46 AM »
yea, giving it more thought now that specific blue spotty shirt looks like something from late 60's, early 70s hippy the thrift store explanation makes total sense. Im no fashion guru but I can recognize trends here and there.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Repetition of Lyrics
« on: March 25, 2010, 03:53:54 AM »
not to be a dick and hate on people's persepctives but the majority of these phrases and themes are quite generic and repeative in human rhetoric in general. Subjects that you mentioned such as coffee, baths,dogs water,woman/man, lying, Sunday, ect are subjects that represent and imply commonly shared connotations and reference in modern culture. So im not hating on the interpretations or scott's lyrics, just saying that we as humans share common recognitions of language and its not as mystifying as one might think.But it is interesting to think about.

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