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Messages - The Action Girls

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Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Re: Chester 36hrs before
« on: October 13, 2017, 05:56:57 AM »
From what I understand from sources I've looked into, Chester was murdered cause of information he had obtained from Chris Cornell. Something to do with Hollywood pedophilia rings and the like. Apparently, Chris had obtained information and details on these pedophilia rings and was ready to come out about it along with Chester. With the influence that Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington have, this would have potentially exposed who exactly the scumbags in question are. So they both simply had to be silenced.

You cannot possibly believe this. You think Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, both extremely busy rock stars fronting world famous bands, when they weren't making music with said bands, or spending time with their families, or doing press, were uncovering child pedophilia rings?

These guys both had documented mental health issues and serious investigations were made into their incredibly tragic deaths and this is the crap you choose to believe? Wtf is wrong with you?

I believe all possibilities and leads need to be investigated. It's as simple as that.

General Discussion / Re: Chester Bennington SUICIDE?¿??¿?¿¿?!!
« on: October 13, 2017, 05:53:42 AM »
Do you get kicks trolling boards with moronic conspiracy theories about people that tragically succumbed to depression?

You are a piece of fucking shit, mate.

First off, MATE, who the fuck would troll a message board making outrageous comments like that if it was not true? Suicide in any manner to anybody is tragic and devastating. But it's a lead that has been proposed (seriously) and has yet to be proven wrong. Considering the likes of other situations with questionable deaths (for example, David Ferry), I'd say it's too early to write it off as a possibility.

Secondly, if you're living and breathing in 2017 and you don't at least question the news stories put out by mainstream media by doing your own investigations, doing the research yourself, then you need to get your head checked. With the insurmountable evidence to the contrary in so many cases, you gotta be living under a rock if you still deny other propositions put out by sources.

I am deeply hurt by both Chris and Chester's deaths. Chris Cornell is my idol. I can't just completely disregard something so fucking serious and disgusting just cause it's abhorrent. It's at least something that should be considered seriously by the authorities.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Did STP ever open for creed?
« on: October 13, 2017, 05:33:12 AM »
But I was referring to when in 2012 or 2013, STP said "no fucking way" to the Core and Purple Anniversary tour cause Weiland, in their professional opinion, couldn't perform those songs anymore. Even I am smart enough to know that's fucking humiliating to their (former) band mate to make comments like that. Somebody else must remember that statement as well, right?

The Wicked Garden / Re: Did STP ever open for creed?
« on: October 13, 2017, 05:29:53 AM »
Yeah, during their 2002 tour in support of Shangri-LA DEE DA and Creed was supporting their album, Weathered. Scott Stapp helped out STP by singing all the Core era songs due to Dean and Roberts continual insistence that Scott (Weiland) couldn't perform those songs anymore.

I remember seeing a report about this on CNN.

Thank you Brett. As always you are usually first to get my jokes.

Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Re: Chester 36hrs before
« on: October 12, 2017, 03:42:34 AM »
From what I understand from sources I've looked into, Chester was murdered cause of information he had obtained from Chris Cornell. Something to do with Hollywood pedophilia rings and the like. Apparently, Chris had obtained information and details on these pedophilia rings and was ready to come out about it along with Chester. With the influence that Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington have, this would have potentially exposed who exactly the scumbags in question are. So they both simply had to be silenced.

General Discussion / Re: Chester Bennington SUICIDE?¿??¿?¿¿?!!
« on: October 12, 2017, 03:32:00 AM »
Just wanna inject my thoughts, Chester was murdered just like Chris was. They were killed because of information they knew and planned to release over the coming months.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Core - 25th Anniversary Re-Release w/ Other Gems
« on: October 12, 2017, 03:28:30 AM »
Then there's really no reason Amazon should have left it off the digital version altogether. When Happy In Galoshes came out in November of 2008, even though "Be Not Afraid" was billed in the liner notes as a "special hidden song inside", it was included in all digital forms of the album. Just my two cents. When I'm good and ready, I'll peel that plastic off that sucker and pop in the CDs.

Edit: I hate this fucking phone and its tired ass autocorrect bullshit.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Core - 25th Anniversary Re-Release w/ Other Gems
« on: October 12, 2017, 02:14:05 AM »
Haha, well Rhino supposedly have it listed as "Piece of Pie (Scott Rehearsal)". So I can only imagine it isn't quite as solid as the following demo take or studio take.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Did STP ever open for creed?
« on: October 12, 2017, 02:12:02 AM »
Yeah, during their 2002 tour in support of Shangri-LA DEE DA and Creed was supporting their album, Weathered. Scott Stapp helped out STP by singing all the Core era songs due to Dean and Roberts continual insistence that Scott (Weiland) couldn't perform those songs anymore.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Core - 25th Anniversary Re-Release w/ Other Gems
« on: October 12, 2017, 02:06:43 AM »
I have yet to open mine cause I like the way it looks with the plastic still on. Plus Amazon gave us all Autorip for a reason! But one question, has anyone heard the hidden track on Track 13 on Disc 2? Is it good?

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / hi, I'm new here...
« on: October 05, 2017, 03:22:21 AM »
Hi ya'll. My name is The Action Girls and I'm new here. I hope you can welcome me in with open arms. I'm in great shape, I live in New England and I'm not a Patriots fan. I am a registered voter and I love the female body.

Now if that ain't something to talk about, then I don't know what is.

Again, I'm new here and I hope you will accept me as part of your family. Not extended family. Not Internet family. I mean your REAL immediate family. Replace your father or cool uncle with me. It WILL work.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Core - 25th Anniversary Re-Release w/ Other Gems
« on: October 04, 2017, 12:16:50 AM »
Hey everyone!

I got Core 25th Anniversary and I'm pleased to see those live shows, a clean set of demos and  the rerelease of the DVD-A version of Core. But if you like me, you probably already had the Core era singles and B-sides so the new version of Creep and a couple other inclusions weren't such a big deal. I do wish we got "at home"/in the studio film footage on the DVD or on a separate DVD. Or even a compilation of their 92/93 TV interviews promoting the original release, that would have been hella nice.

I still gotta say though, it's bittersweet in a sense since Scott isn't with us any longer to celebrate this and do a 25th Anniversary tour. Though GOD knows he fucking tried. Thanks STP for stopping this from being a 2012 release and having a kickass Core Anniversary tour. Was it worth it? I'm fucking serious. Was it FUCKING worth it?

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts(Talk Show vocalist)
« on: March 08, 2017, 03:54:05 AM »

As you guys remember I gave accurate coverage on his awful Purple at the Core tour before I ever had any contact with his representatives.

+1 for Brett. Game. Set. Match

General Discussion / Re: New Pledge Update
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:24:52 PM »
Hmmm... puzzling that those paintball gimmicks didn't sell. Does no one want to play paintball with a broken man who may or may not actually participate in the festivities?

"May I have your attention please? Due to the tragic absence of in-ear monitors, Mr. Grean here will be standing in for Mr. Weiland."

Thats not fair... I can think of 40 or 50 Corpus Christi-ites that would pay good money to use Scott for paintball fodder, "Ungluuueed!!! YEEEAAH UNGLUEEED! YEEEAAAHHHH"

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