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Messages - jspring89

Pages: [1]
The Wicked Garden / Re: Rare Tracks?
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:06:26 AM »
I've heard of weiland being solo and, army of anyone and every other band thes guys are in but i've never listen 2 any of them. does anyone recondmend any of the bands or specific songs? if so let me know.

The Wicked Garden / Re: hardest stp song
« on: September 09, 2008, 04:31:34 PM »
To me they are all heavy but to me it's Sex and Violence followed by Sex Type Thing.

The Wicked Garden / Re: what song best defines STP?
« on: September 05, 2008, 02:42:57 PM »
i'd have to agree with Interstate Love song. it was the first song i heard of theirs and i've been hooked ever since.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Lookin for a ring tone
« on: September 05, 2008, 02:32:05 PM »
ok, i have a verizon envy, not the new one and im not sure about all the converting mp3's to my phone and stuff but whats the easiets way to get a ringtone for my phone and is it free? any song will do, sex type would be awsome same with ILS, big bang baby, still remains is my favorite stp song. any help?

The Wicked Garden / Re: Do ya rename tunes?
« on: September 05, 2008, 01:18:49 PM »
I've seen those abbriviations and I understand them, their easy to figue out. Also instead of typing out trippin' on a hole in a paper heart it's much easier to just type in trippin. and i also noticed alot of people calling creep, half the man i used to be.
Other than that i don't rename songs. Except my cousin called ILS internet love song so me and my friend call it that some times but just for a laugh.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Fun STP music game!
« on: September 05, 2008, 12:44:14 PM »
that's definetly a tough one but I agree I'd have to say Wicked Garden just cause of Kretz.

    Unglued > Dead and Bloated

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: STP on Game 'Rock Band'
« on: September 04, 2008, 06:22:57 PM »
that's the only song's i really enjoy playing on rock band. i down loaded ILS and STT once they came out. Me and my friends always play those songs in our band. We have a full band and we enjoy ancting like robert strutting across stage or weiland's awsome moves.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Good Or Bad
« on: September 04, 2008, 06:06:37 PM »
I have respect for for all of their albums. it doesn't matter the times and how they are. it's about the lyrics and the music and personally all their songs are awesome. it doesnt matter if it's the good or bad times to me but how I love their songs. What I love about STP is that one day Trippin is ur favorite song and then the next day Still Remains is ur favorite. it depends on ur mood and how you feel what makes the songs so awsome. I have respect for every song on every album.

The Wicked Garden / Re: From a lyrics standpoint- which song is the best?
« on: September 04, 2008, 05:32:01 PM »
I love the lyrics to Still Remains.
 Pick a song and sing a yellow necterine
 take a bath i'll drink the water that you leave
 if you should die before me ask of you can bring a friend
 pick a flower hold your breath and drift away.
My favorite part of the song is " Skin is smoothe, i steal a glance. Dragon flies er gliding over......"
Honarable mentions are Wonderful and Sex Type Thing

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