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Messages - Virgojams

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Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Miles Away
« on: May 26, 2020, 06:24:56 AM »
  Had a comment about Miles Away. Maybe this has been discussed already but since I have been listening to the new STP record I have always thought Miles Away has this greek sounding vibe. Most importantly wanted to comment that the song has a Scott Weiland-Lady Your Roof Brings me Down swanky vibe to it. Miles Away is the lovechild to Lady. I love that! Cheers!  8) 8) 8)

Anyone in this thread go to the STP/RHCP 2000 concert? I went to that tour at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, Ca. I remember that show pretty well. I do recall that when RHCP played their big hits, they didn't really move much on the stage while STP/Scott was dancing all over and felt more action packed. Both bands had some cool visualization on the background screen. Also a great concert from STP since they were promoting No.4. Down was definitely one of the highlights of the night! Just an overall rockin' awesome memorable show!!  8) 8) 8)

Scott Weiland / Re: What Happened To Scott Weiland (Video)
« on: September 26, 2018, 08:33:50 AM »
Nothing new here really but I found this rather touching...

Thanks for posting! I had not seen that particular video dedicated to Scott.

Talk Show / Re: Dave Coutts 2018
« on: August 27, 2018, 07:24:56 AM »
I really liked the new song. It was excellent, in fact. Terrible video, however.

I gave the song a listen. Not too shabby. Was wondering about the video. How old is that video? Swear it looked like it was filmed in the late 80's. lol That's my observation. But maybe someone out there knows. Anywho yeah Dave is quite energetic on stage!

It's a combo of Scott and Chester. I've tried to watch it and I can't get past it cuz for me, you have this band who I would feel would want to get past this whole experience and him continuing to change into this Ken Doll stolen identity, I feel hurts the band more than helps. This band has been shadowed by Scott whether good or bad. They have this great opportunity to finally move forward and being held back because this guy thinks turning into Scott is going to win points or whatever. I find it super creepy & the dancing...omg the dancing is horrible. He has no rhythm whatsoever. Other than his mother, no one could love Scott as much as I do but it's holding the band back. Like that relationship, you think is great but the reality is that person is holding you back from being the great potential you can be. Dean, Robert and Eric deserve so much better. They deserve to be praised but they can't because their frontman is too busy stealing the identity of not one dead man but two dead men. How do you move forward when you are just constantly being reminded why they are in the position they are in now?

It's one thing to carry influences and incorporate them. It's another to blatantly copy someone, unless you are like an Elvis impersonator or a Drag Queen for lack of better words and with that said how can he look at himself at the end of the day and truly say that he made it on his own talent, heart and soul. It brings me to the point of the tv talent show he entered I think twice? He may have the voice but he doesn't have the whole package unless he steals it from a dead guy. It's a fake till you make it move. Which means he hasn't made it yet because if he did, we wouldn't have to read about how much he desperately tries to be someone else. We would have cool conversations about the music. Not about what kind of hack he is & then him passing off how much he loves Scott. I don't buy it. It's just words to justify the true reality that he doesn't have it to make it on his own personality. I think it's safe to say, we are all waiting to see the reason why STP hired him. I have yet to press play on the new album.

It's just so fucking sad. This is a great band and they deserve better. Thanks. I really needed to get this out.   8) :-*

"I think it's safe to say, we are all waiting to see the reason why STP hired him. I have yet to press play on the new album."

Can't end this thread on a negative post. The true fans who are already on board the Jeff ship and let go of the "No Scott, No STP" stigma many many months or even years ago are already looking ahead. We are not looking back. Only ahead. What done is done etc. You are not in the band etc. You get the point. WE as STP fans know why and its CLEAR as day why they hired him. An amazing voice to say the least, to be able to sing the back catalog and to be able to move the band forward. Dozens of other reasons why this guy is great for the band. The rest of the STP guys have explained countless times why Jeff is great for the band so if you don't know by now, probably not one of the true STP fans. They are selling out too. They just received an award for selling out at Red Rocks. Lots of positive things are happening right now to the band and they are not going to let any negativity in. It's great seeing them being able to go out and tour again! Those guys are happy and we should be happy for them! Nuff said. Cheers!


I agree with someone else had mentioned that it kinda has that old school sound off of Dirt or even Facelift I think. Really like both singles so far! Doesn't sound like the other two LP's with DuVall. A nice dark heavy sound with the trademark AIC riffs and chorus! Can't wait to get this album!! Thumbs up all the way for me!


Because Gutt's work makes me feel so little that I've been physically unable to listen to it all the way through?

Generally, being able to actually stomach a collection of songs without turning them off is a pretty good indicator of whether or not you consider the music any good....

The Art Of Letting Go is the only song on the album that I'm actually down with.

Like "hey I'll just repeat 'thought she'd be mine' a dozen times and we'll call that the chorus." No thanks. I'd rather hear about fancy yogurt and "Swine Flu Sally".

How soon we forget Art School Girl!......I told you five or four times, I told you five or four times, I told you five or four times......

There's a good list of Scott STP songs that repeat a good number of times. :)

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / The Art of Letting Go
« on: February 20, 2018, 08:33:57 AM »

Just finished hearing this song. I definitely think Jeff has a beautiful voice. Jeff was aware of Scott using his voice as a musical instrument by changing his voice in different songs and now Jeff is continuing that legacy. A beautiful song like this from STP makes me excited to hear all of the new album!!

Played Shows 2016-now / Re: 2017-11-14 - The Troubadour, Hollywood
« on: November 21, 2017, 07:28:11 AM »
I do not think its that necessary to break down all the lottle things that JG did or didn't do. I'm very happy with the outcome of the new singer. As I've stated before when I first saw Gutt sing Plush acoustic, I was automatically sold on him and that was many months ago! He's got a solid voice! If you have any doubts just look back at the X Factor show and see his awesome vocals and variety! He's got a good future with STP! He's his own man! Rock on Gutt!!


Played Shows 2016-now / Re: 2017-11-14 - The Troubadour, Hollywood
« on: November 21, 2017, 07:21:12 AM »
Speaking of Still Remains from 1994, I came upon this little gem recently

WOW! That was truly a classic STP gem! Never seen that clip before! Nice to be able to see a new singer do a 2017 version with the 1994 version. Not much different in my opinion! Awesome!

Jeff Gutt / Re: It's official: Jeff Gutt is the new STP singer
« on: November 15, 2017, 07:39:42 AM »
Ahhh got my wish!! I was hoping it was going to be Gutt! I listened to his live version of Interstate Love Song earlier tonight before I heard the official news. He has the right voice for the gig!I'm stoked! Ever since I heard his acoustic rendition of Plush I was sold on Gutt! He was able to make it sound solid without having it sound too much like Scott and made it his own! He killed all 3 songs! Solid vocals imo! Haters gonna hate on here. Can't wait to hear the new tunes! Lifelong STP fan! Bring it Gutt!

Stone Temple Pilots (2018) / Re: Puzzle piece?
« on: November 10, 2017, 03:44:01 AM »
I'm psyched for whatever is coming, but if Jeff Gutt is the singer and Brenden O'Brien is the producer of a new album, it will be absolutely tremendous.

I'm hoping for Jeff Gutt. Seeing that acoustic performance of Plush sold it for me!

The Wicked Garden / Re: STP announce first show with new singer
« on: November 06, 2017, 01:40:10 AM »
 Well maybe some of you are not excited about it but I know I am! Whether some if you like it or not we will get some new STP and a new chapter in the STP saga! Looks shouldn't matter and if the new singer has the voice then he's golden but I do at least hope the individual has some fashion pizazz or style or at least his own style. Big shoes to fill with Scott's fashion sense. Guess we shall wait and soon find out!


The Wicked Garden / Re: STP has found new singer that "fits the bill"
« on: October 05, 2017, 06:54:05 PM »
 I'm hoping it's Jeff Gutt.


Scott Weiland / Re: video remembering Scott "One Year Later"
« on: August 28, 2017, 08:32:11 AM »
That was beautiful! Thanks for posting! Lots of great clips in there! <3

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