September 19, 2024, 07:42:51 PM

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Messages - augumj02

Pages: [1]
the show was awesome, i went out to the opening performance in may's rock on the range and i gotta say they got 110% better. didn't get to hear silvergun superman or too cool queenie when i was out in ohio, but i was hoping for sin and all in the suit, but beggers can't be choosers. do they ever plan on switching up the set and adding more material from sldd or tiny music?

this was by far the best concert i've seen to date, i somehow managed to get up to the 3rd row in the pit and got repeatedly kicked in the head haha. i found the torrent of the audio someone recording at this show. a close friend of mine has a recording studio, i took the recordings to him to see if he can improve the sound and they sound much better then the original (lots of credit to the original dude). where can i post these remastered versions? (the only 2 exclusions to the remaster are the intro part and the money jam when they came back on stage, but everything else is still there including the dialogue).

damn i was really hoping to tailgate before they took the stage, oh well should still be an amazing performance!

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