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Messages - jimmy j

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Art Of Anarchy / Re: Art Of Anarchy
« on: June 03, 2015, 01:50:44 AM »
I've listened to the album twice over now. Took me that long to realize I would not listen to this band if it wasn't for Scott Weiland.

Maybe it will grow on me but the music sounds too hard rock generic. I also prefer Blaster over this.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Scott in his heyday
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:13:40 AM »
I remember seeing this performance when it first aired and was blown away by how good Scott sounded that night. I think this performance was an exception, not a typical example of his abilities at that point in time. But what an exception!!

Thanks for your thoughts on the new album. I haven't heard the rip yet but I've been listening to the live versions of the new songs that are posted on YouTube. I'm really excited for the new album since I got into FNM just as "Album of the Year" was released.

I don't mind if the album takes some time to get into....lots of my favorite albums didn't grab me at first.

I'm just grateful FNM got back together and are on tour. I think I'm going to go see them next month.

Wow. I am blown away by the album. Far better than I expected.....I was expecting something good, but this is great.

Weiland still has it. This album rocks!

Streaming Media / Re: Art School Girl Live at the Pony
« on: December 04, 2012, 01:46:45 AM »
He finally played it live! Awesome! Wish I was there. So if Scott does it solo, why can't STP play it live?

I remember back in '96 when STP was out promoting Tiny Music (before Scott went into rehab), Dean and Scott were on a radio show and Dean asked a caller what the next single should be. Caller said "Art School Girl". Dean just laughed and said "I knew you'd say that." Why did it take so long for this song to get some play?

Just got back from the show. The setlist was the same as the Tampa show, except that they stopped after Sex Type Thing and as usual played Dead and Bloated and Trippin as the encore.

I went with 3 friends and my girlfriend, none of whom had seen STP before. I told them we were in for a great show but they were a little doubtful since this is one of the shows that was mysteriously postponed a few weeks. They wondered what shape Weiland was going to be in tonight.

Let me be clear: Scott was fantastic. I've seen STP 7 times, one of those times being just 7 weeks ago in Toronto. Scott and the band sounded better than they did in Toronto. Scott was clear, talkative, and coherent.

We were in the 4th row and my friends and girlfriend were blown away. They couldn't believe how "on" Scott was. The whole band was tight, sounded great, and were flawless. What a show.

Scott was laughing a lot and was joking around with Robert during Heaven and Hot Rods (it looked kind of weird to see him laughing and smiling during a heavy song like that). After each song, Scott thanked the crowd and made some short conversation. No rambling and he spoke clear as day.

When I saw STP in Toronto, I thought Still Remains and Cinnamon sounded a little rough. Tonight they soared. Silvergun Superman was the best version I've ever heard live, they killed it. Big Empty was fantastic. The range and quality of Scott's voice really came through there. Even I was amazed at how good he sounded. There wasn't really anything wrong with the Toronto show but STP sounded so much better tonight.

I was so pumped that they put on a kick ass show and the crowd was loving it. The venue was a new 5000 seat outdoor venue in downtown Raleigh. The sound quality is great and the weather was perfect to be hanging out outside with STP on a nice fall night. The crowd was on its feet the whole time. The place was close to if not sold out. I noticed a few empty seats but maybe some people didn't show because of the rescheduled date.

A few other notes: On Sex Type Thing, rather than saying "here I come, I come, I come" into the megaphone, Scott only said "Dumb love ain't no love", like it says in on the light curtain during the song. A cool change I think.

Dancing Days got a good crowd response. Much like Toronto, the crowd was really into the new stuff too.

The only negative I think are the jams after Still Remains and Plush. They go on for about 3-4 minutes and the crowd kind of gets lost. I heard a lot of people talking or getting up and going to get beer, etc. The jams aren't that good IMO. I think they should shorten them or drop them and fit another song in there instead.

It was an early show too. STP took the stage at 8:30 sharp and were completely done by 10:10. I think it has to do with the venue's curfew since it is outdoors and downtown.

What a great show. Everyone I talked to loved it. Keep it up guys!

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: Raleigh Amphitheater
« on: October 11, 2010, 12:51:07 PM »
It is smaller than Walnut Creek. The capacity is 5,500. Its a good venue, I've been there for one show already. They actually turn the volume up unlike Koka Booth and its a more intimate venue unlike Walnut Creek. Parking is easy because its downtown but food/drink prices are too expensive.

I'm looking forward to the show there. This could be really cool with STP rocking downtown Raleigh on a warm fall evening.

Happy In Galoshes Song Discussion / Re: 'I Know It's Too Late'
« on: December 03, 2008, 11:45:09 PM »
I can't believe this track didn't make the album. Its very mainstream, but its GOOD and probably could have been a hit for Scott.

Scott Weiland / Re: Updated & Tour Dates
« on: October 09, 2008, 04:09:23 AM »
Wait, does this mean there is to be no 2008 tour dates? I've been looking for info about the DC tickets for next month and I've never seen anything. Whats going on?

Wow. That review was awesome. Not just because it was positive, but its great to see someone really understand the music and break it down in depth for us. I want to frame it.

On Tour / Re: Scott Weiland 2008 Tour Dates News/Discussion
« on: September 06, 2008, 04:07:11 AM »
Oh this is SO AWESOME. I could make it to the DC and Norfolk shows. Scott twice in 2 days? In a small venue? Oh wow!!! I think I'm gonna faint.

Figured I'd add my review to the thread (same one I submitted for the concert chronology). I am in complete agreement with the other reviews as well - killer show!

After the usual late start (9:30pm, venue has an 11pm curfew), STP was dead on all night. I've been watching clips and following the current tour closely, and this was definitely one of the tightest performances so far.

Perfect delivery, laser precision, not a missed note or a flubbed lyric. A bunch of improv, esp. with Creep ("Everybody run, Bobby's got a squirt gun") and at the end of the song with some Bob Marley I believe (at least thats what Scott said).

The highlight of the night for me was Sin. There was something different, a new life was given to the song and it struck me in a way I've never heard it before....and this comes from listening to that song for the last 15 years. There was a new power and a new energy.

I walked away reassured that this was not some in-it-for-the-money hack reunion tour. This was for real. Its like the last 5 years never happened. STP never missed a beat and were every part the band I remembered them as and wanted to see.

Excellent show. Spot on. I can die happy now.

They were spot on 100% last night. It was great. Delivery was flawless, not a single error. I'll post my review and maybe pics (if they came out ok) sometime after work today for the concert chronology. What a fantastic show!

Here we go! 8 hours to showtime! I'm going to try and bring my camera in and get some photos.

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2008-07-12 - Toronto, Canada - EdgeFest
« on: July 15, 2008, 02:09:18 AM »
Dean's fluid basslines and Robert's fuzzed-out riffs? Really?

Author's credibility: ZERO

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