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Messages - HerdJC

Pages: [1] 2 3
Having saw them last year at PNC Pavilion, I'm certainly going to do all I can to make it to this one.  That was a great concert, I took a buddy with me who wasn't really a STP fan before and afterwards he said it was one of the best concerts he had ever been to.

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: New Album Favorites
« on: May 19, 2010, 03:46:50 AM »
Hazy Daze
Fast as I Can
Huckleberry Crumble

Still not getting into Dare if You Dare, but I'm giving it a few more listens.

Song Discussion / Re: Huckleberry Crumble
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:15:03 PM »
This song was one of the first ones I heard that I really, really liked.  Its got a different vibe to it than what I normally expect from STP.  I could get used to hearing some more songs in the future in this same vein.

Song Discussion / Re: Enjoy guys
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:07:53 AM »
Wow I really like this track.  Love the guitar solo in it.

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: - Album Stream
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:50:39 AM »
Quote from: "ryutahellhound"
Quote from: "kshamrock20"
Ummm, so is Amazon running late or did they just decide to screw us.

We've been screwed my friend. Fuck Amazon and Fuck Australia. Apologies to any Australian STP fans on here.

Agreed, this is a very disappointing turn of events.  Hell, I already had a couple of beers down and ready to drink another few while listening to whatever song was next.

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: KROQ to premiere new album
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:35:32 AM »
Quote from: "andrew"
Here's an interview on KROQ with the band. ... more-40718

Thanks for the link, that was a great interview!

Quote from: "Whazup"
the song i wanna hear most is Hazy Daze.  That song grooves!!

I agree, I love Hazy Daze.  It may just be my favorite of the clips I've heard so far.  Though for some reason Fast as I Can is right up there with it.  I dig that song a lot as well.

Great pictures and information folks, greatly appreciated.  Still can't believe how awesome of a show it was.

On the song they restarted, I think Dean started to play a different song.  They stopped and Scott said "Sorry, we mixed up the songs" or something along those lines.  I don't believe they played "Piece of Pie" last night either.  Great concert by them, it was my second STP concert (first was RotR last year) and I thought they sounded a lot better this time around.  Scott still danced around a bit, but was a lot more subdued than in other videos I've seen of him in the past.  Great concert and a great venue, had a blast.  Here's to looking forward to my third STP concert for the tour with the new album!

At the concert now. Opening band is a group called Lorenzo. They've had a couple good songs, nothing mindblowing though.

Quote from: "soxstpfan"
I saw VR on the Contraband tour and it was one of the sickest shows I've ever been to. I think the reason was that they all got along and respected what each other brought to the group. They genuinely seemed to enjoy being on stage together, and ripped through a killer 2-hour set like it was no big deal. Even got to meet them before the show and they were joking around with each other and the fans. Just having a good time. That got lost somewhere along the way.
Here's why they'll have a hard time replacing Scott: you can't replicate the "it" factor, and VR had that in spades with Scott.

Great post and one I agree with.  I think Scott brought "it" together for VR.  I think the best option for those guys is to reform under a different name.  VR with any other singer is not going to be something worth seeing, IMO.

Yeah, I'm hoping they continue to play some different songs.  This will only be my second time seeing them, hopefully it won't be the last either.  Could July 8th come any slower?

Looking forward to seeing them again for the first time since Rock on the Range 08!

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: Done with Atlantic?
« on: June 02, 2008, 03:03:48 PM »
I, personally, would be quite content if they did not release another record with Atlantic.  They did a horrible job on the last album.

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: So I bought RockBand today
« on: June 02, 2008, 03:02:03 PM »
Quote from: "Aaron"
I play real guitar and still enjoy rockband, but I can understand where you are coming from.  In a lot of ways, Rock Band is harder than the real thing. 

Agreed.  I play bass and I still love Rock Band.  Plus it allows me to play other instruments that I normally would not on songs that I like.

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