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Messages - GreenCheetah

Pages: [1] 2
Happy In Galoshes / Re: Album reviews/opinions
« on: October 11, 2008, 09:04:07 PM »
Those clips make me really excited for the album. I think my favorites might be She Sold Her System and Be Not Afraid..  I'm very excited about Be Not Afraid, it's actually a Catholic church song.  I'm not a religious person, but I was raised Catholic and I remember singing it in church.  It was always one of my favorites and still has significance for me, guess it was one of Scott's favorites as well growing up.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Pick your 2 favorite songs from each STP/SW/VR album
« on: September 25, 2008, 03:53:57 AM »
Core: Crackerman, Where The River Goes
Purple: Still Remains, Silvergun Superman
Tiny Music: Adhesive, Trippin
No. 4: Down, Glide, Atlanta
SLDD: Wonderful, Long Way Home

12BB: Barbarella, Mockingbird Girl

Contraband: Loving the Alien, You Got No Right
Libertad: Gravedancer, Can't Get it Out of My Head

Scott Weiland / Re: xXx - ¤ *SCOTT's PICS* ¤ - xXx
« on: September 22, 2008, 03:26:42 AM »
Day-um!! That is one nasty looking lady.  How can you go from Mary to that? And really, I can't imagine the thing's got a good personality; how could anyone that allows themselves to go out with Scott Weiland (or leave the house period) looking like that, possibly have a good personality!

Happy In Galoshes Song Discussion / Re: Missing Cleveland
« on: September 20, 2008, 07:14:31 PM »
To me it sounds like, "Strapped into the monkey seat",  and "Lonely bars where everybody".

Happy In Galoshes / Re: Album reviews/opinions
« on: September 18, 2008, 03:29:38 AM »
I can't wait to hear more;  this definitely made for a good end to a bad day! I really loved them both, but I do hope that there are other songs on the album that have more of an artsy, experimental feel.  In a way, these two seemed predictable - and I don't mean that to sound negative - they are wonderful songs, but they don't seem to have any of those unexpected sounds that were waiting around every corner in 12BB. 

Happy In Galoshes / Re: Official tracklist?
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:34:08 PM »
Oh my god!! I really can't wait now! Thanks so much for finding/posting that!  November can't get here fast enough; I have a feeling this could be my all time favorite record.  I'm going to have to watch the thing a few more times though.. I kept getting distracted.  I was trying to listen to the songs and didn't quite catch everything they were talking about.. then I'd be staring at Scott, and not hear the songs.. haha.  Also, loved the xylophone.

Happy In Galoshes / Re: Happy In Galoshes Release Date?
« on: September 03, 2008, 01:10:38 AM »
Better late than never! Given the total amount of time we've all been waiting for this.. getting pushed from Oct 7 to Nov 18 is perfectly fine with me (as long as it doesn't KEEP getting pushed).  I think it's a good sign that we've been getting hard dates.. before it seems like it was always "late fall/early winter" type stuff. 

I wish the article would have stated whether it is going to be a double album. 

On Tour / Re: Shady Picture Show - Live Set Lighting and Video Design
« on: August 26, 2008, 01:15:56 AM »
Wow, great article.  I really love the video screen being used on this tour.. it just seems to transition with the songs perfectly. And yeah, I would be willing to pay a pretty penny to get DVD of the shows I went to! It says they are using a "hi-res" camera.. I don't know much about photography/video equipment.. that's not the same thing as HD is it?

Black Again has always kind of been a theraputic song for me.  My other favorites lyrically are Still Remains, Adhesive, I Got You, Wonderful, and Hello it's Late.

The Wicked Garden / Re: How Did You Get Into Stp
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:10:08 AM »
When I was 13 I purchased Tiny Music from a BMG music catalog because I had heard Dead & Bloated on the radio and liked it (yeah probably should have gotten Core instead if that's the song I liked, but hey I was 13 and stupid).  I was going through a Metallica phase (much to my mother's displeasure), and I hated the album so I let it sit on a shelf. 

About a year later I started taking guitar lessons and the first thing I was taught was the intro to Sex Type Thing.  I liked that song anyway, so I finally went out and got Core.  I liked it, but still didn't listen to it that much (was still in my Metallica phase).

About a year after that (when I was 15), shortly after my Metallica phase ended, I was getting ready for school one morning with MTV on, and the video for Down came on.  The intro immediately grabbed my attention and I stopped what I was doing and sat down and watched it.  I loved it. Everything about it.  The guitar, the vocals, the man in the video, the energy captured in the concert footage in the video.  I was instantly hooked.  No. 4 wasn't out yet, but I went out and got it the day it was released; picked up Purple too while I was at it.  I also gave Tiny Music another listen and couldn't imagine how I could have hated it before.

For the rest of high school, I would start out my mornings with a bowl of cereal and trip to this site (wasn't it stonetemplepilots.org back then?).  I don't think I ever posted on the forum back then, and I still don't much today.. but nearly 9 years later this is still my favorite band.  Their music just feels like home... I know that sounds silly.. but I'm sure you guys know what I mean.   

Oh God.. this just makes me feel sick to my stomach... and after the PERFECT shows they've been having these last 2 weeks.. just hard to imagine what could have happened to cause a no-show.  Really hoping it was bad traffic, or the bus broke down, or something totally logical and explainable and not bad.

Scott Weiland / Re: xXx - ¤ *SCOTT's PICS* ¤ - xXx
« on: August 22, 2008, 09:47:05 PM »
Quote from: "STPGurl"
OMG Erica.  lol.  I was SHAKING at RoTR in Columbus.  I mean SHAKING shaking.  Like I had hypothermia or something.

You are going to have so much fun tonight -- rock out for all of us that aren't going to be there!!  :)

And keep your hands off MY man.  Thank you.  ;)

I had the exact same experience at that show and I wasn't even near the stage.  I was just so excited to see STP again, my muscles were shaking like crazy.  Then in Chicago I had my first front-row STP experience which caused some intense anxiety,  and had to keep closing my eyes and taking deep breaths so I wouldn't pass out before they came on stage.  I was actually shaking so badly at that show that I could hardly walk afterwards my leg muscles were so sore. Totally worth ever second.

The Wicked Garden / Re: HEY PICTURES.
« on: August 20, 2008, 12:19:15 AM »
Quote from: "ArmyAnt"
Maybe. But you never know, when youre a cute guy touring all over the place, Im sure there are phone calls like "you might be my kid's daddy". Maybe he just found out about little Kretz :) Never know. It does look Eric related though. Eric is just too damn quiet.

I was at that show.. it was just some random kid from the audience.  They pulled him up on stage at the very end of their set, did their bow with him, then had him chant "STP! STP!" into the mic as the band left the stage.  It was really cute; I figure the kid probably wants to be a rock and roll star when he grows up now.

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2008-08-16 - Elizabeth, IN - Caesars Casino
« on: August 19, 2008, 02:43:36 AM »
Hey Reptile, yep that was us behind you! We enjoyed chatting with you guys too; glad you had such a great time! I'm SO jealous that you got to meet the band after the show.  I wanted to stick around and try to do the same, but our section of the crowd was a tiny bit pushier than yours I think (albeit we were just a few people over), and my husband's back was killing him by the time the show was over.  Of course I would have been a wee bit disappointed that Scott didn't stop by..  Can you post the pics you got?

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: 2008-08-16 - Elizabeth, IN - Caesars Casino
« on: August 18, 2008, 02:26:44 AM »
Quote from: "Silvergun Picture Show"
I'd frame that shit, GREAT PHOTO!

Yay, I took that pic! I'm glad people like it.  I actually thought that was one of the worse pics I took at the show.. since you can't see their faces or anything.. but I guess it ended up having a pretty cool artistic quality.

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