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Messages - MAZZA26

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Dean DeLeo / Re: Dean DeLeo in Laughter Train
« on: June 25, 2018, 04:52:24 PM »
The funny thing is the production sounds amazing. Better than both self titled albums. Must have had a fair amount of money thrown at the project. Singer sounds like Coutts with a bit of cornell thrown in during the higher notes.

Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Re: A msg to all terrorists
« on: May 25, 2017, 11:12:05 AM »
I just can't believe the Mayor of London had told people to get use to this. This simply isn't acceptable in my eyes.  They set out to murder children for what reason? Unbelievable.

Don't believe every bit of bullshit the press and your racist dickhead of a President feed you, he didn't say anything like that. What he said was entirely reasonable.

"What I do know, as part and parcel of living in a big city, you have got to be prepared for these sorts of things, you've got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job, you've got to support the security services."

He never said anything like that, the Press attack him because he is a Muslim, and you apparently are the kind of sucker that just hoovers it up without bothering to look into it, and then comes and uses a terrorist attack in my country to smear him hours after it happens.

Fucking disgusting, pal.

Agree.  Wasn't it the Daily Fail that reported the original story taking what the Mayor said totally out of context?

Burden in My Hand, without any question. Absolutely soaring vocal, amazing and the song has a real energy to it, but is also mournfully sad.

Yep same here.  Excellent song from a very good album (weirdly Down On The Upside is my favourite Soundgarden album.)  It's a song that reminds me of a hot summers day... but like you said it's mournfully sad, perhaps even more so now.  Also is it just me or does Chris (particularly in this song) sound a bit like David Coverdale?  Just a bit?

Also I remember seeing Soundgarden at Brixton academy a few years ago... brilliant atmosphere.  In terms of the crowd they were the friendliest bunch I've ever met.  I got chatting to a couple and we were singing this song word for word when they played it... we even got to the "out in the sunshine" part and sang it like Liam Gallagher would... "suuunnshiinnee."  Sorry I know Oasis are not comparable to Soundgarden but it was just such a glorious moment. 

Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Re: Trump is for real now
« on: May 13, 2016, 01:47:19 AM »
I haven't read a lot of the thread simply because it would annoy the hell out of me so much that id throw my computer against the wall and smash the hell out of it.

OF COURSE TRUMP IS HAVING A LAUGH!!  HE IS JUST HAVING A JOKE!  HE WANTS TO GET A REACTION FROM THE FAR RIGHT!!!   Ultimately the guy is joking around yet loads of you are falling for it!!! LMFAO!!  Like i've mentioned previously he has no policies, yet a lot of you are all disgusting for actually liking his racist policies! HILARIOUS! DOH!  Absolutely pathetic!!!  He even made exceptions to the new mayor of London to America! Sadiq Khan, ha! What a complete prick Trump is.  I thought he wanted to ban muslims!?! What a dickface!  BUT YEAH god bless America...  Superb....  What utter rubbish!  Poor...very poor...  You lot are the ones causing world wars...not world peace... well done!

Out Of The Chains That Bind You / Re: Trump is for real now
« on: May 10, 2016, 01:15:08 AM »
Trump is like the English version of UKIP/Nigel Farage.  Dreadful.  Absolutely dreadful.  No policies, blatant racism, just a load of bullsh*t.  Subhuman scum.  I'm just glad you are all pretty sane on this messageboard and are against the likes of Trump! 

REM - Monster/New Adventures in Hi-Fi...
It's absolutely pathetic that the Monster album got criticised and absolutely penned (certainly in England, not sure about the US of A), I mean it's not excellent, but there is nothing wrong with it. Just because the ballads are rare....(actually Strange Curruncies is a lot better than everybody hurts, but obviously you can't change people's opinions on a well known song.)  I took your name, Crush with eyeliner, Bang and Blame, all better songs than a lot of the stuff on Automatic, but that was a sort of god-like and yet i'd rather listen to "I don't sleep I dream" or "Star 69" than "Nightswimming" or "Ignoreland."  Following on from Monster was New Adventures in Hi-Fi and that was in some ways even better!  But i'm in the minority...

Stone Temple Pilots (2010) / Re: Self Titled:5 years later
« on: January 10, 2016, 01:47:12 AM »
My favourite STP albums are as follows:

Tiny Music
Self Titled

It's actually pretty much the order I got them in...I think.   I was only into STP because of watching Big Bang Baby and Sour Girl Videos and thinking how different the 2 tracks were.  Fantastic.  I was looking for a new rock sensation after adopting Faith No More and Living Colour as my favourite bands and I was not disappointed. So I obtained the albums in this order... and then Shangri when it came out soon after.

I have to say whilst Purple is the most consistent album I really like moments in Tiny and NO4 (Pop's love suicide, Adhesive, glide, Atlanta)  these tracks no one could argue can come near anything that followed in terms of attitude, guitar layers, guitar sound, extra instruments, vocals, percussion etc...
Whilst Shangri-La had it's moments it almost seemed a bit too experimental.  Then again if you asked me 3 years ago I would have rejected Regeneration and BiPolar Bear...even Hello it's late (which is very good of course) Now i'm thinking these are interesting tracks.  Again a lot about STP for me is all about the layers, musically and lyrically.  SO these tracks are of course very interesting in that aspect.  Songs like Dumb Love, Coma, Days Of the Week are easily accessible but over the years you learn to love the less obvious songs.  One of the tunes i've always loved has been transmissions.... fantastic.  Never performed live I believe? 
So onto the last STP album, the problem for me was actually the production as well as song quality.  For example can we imagine a song like Glide in the same format as self titled?  And as effective?  Don't think so. Songs like Between the Lines and Take a Load off worked well imho.  I really like those 2 tracks, and I really like two songs that end the album - First Kiss on Mars and Maver.  The rest of the album though seems a bit simple, not only in songwriting but production, for example Fast as I can seems very generic.  The drums are too low in the mix and it's not that "in your face" like previous albums...

Then again we have our opinions.... that's the beauty of music but for me it's all about why I got into the music.  IF STP were all about self titled I may have been slightly interested just like Core (which has the complete opposite production, better drum sound but that is of it's time) but I was into STP because of Tiny Music, NO4 and Purple.   Just like a lot of fans it's sometimes to do with the timing... so an album like Purple was probably liked because of when it was released.  I was not around (well I was but not in mind or interest) during any movement whether it be grunge, NWOBHR or Brit Pop so i'd like to think I have no bias. STP were and still are the best band out of that era, not only lyrically or vocally but musically. 

Scott Weiland / Re: Tommy Black arrested for coke on bus when Scott died!
« on: December 05, 2015, 02:14:20 AM »

Sorry but is this a believeable story Brett?  What do you think?  Because if it is then whilst quite shocking this starts to make some sense with regards to various characters.  Deary deary me....

Scott Weiland / Re: Weiland interview is up!
« on: November 10, 2015, 02:47:06 AM »
Good interview.  Such a shame he didn't answer two of your best questions - so regarding the 12 bar blues era and then especially NO 4 question didn't get answered.  The self-titled stuff/feedback is really good but actually i'm not surprised by any of it... in fact it's the bit that I actually agree with Scott.  The album had a handful of decent songs but the production wasn't top notch...BUT then you have to ask the question WHY was it recorded seperately?  Why didn't Weiland join the other 3?  Was it because like he said he didn't think it was a good idea for the bros to self produce? But surely that's not a good enough reason to record separately.  Then again Faith No More did exactly that on the fairly decent but uninspiring Album Of The Year record.  A year later the split!     The bit about why the guys didn't want to do the Core stuff?  Was that because of Scott's voice?  Did they have reservations about that? 

Finally the bit that really made me jump was the name check regarding Blackie Onassis.  Of Urge Overkill fame.  Really surprised by that.  His drumming was sort of Keith Moon esque....very off beat....more of a showman than an excellent sticksman.   Having said that I love Exit the dragon, and his work on it.... great album, underrated and very dark, unfortunately it all went wrong after that (or probably during that album...check out the song the mistake for a really up close take on life on the road...quite sad really.)   Hope he is ok.

I think in the circumstances the interview was really good, but of course there are so many unanswered questions.  Ultimately Weiland is a flawed character.  Late shows, cancelled shows, wasted shows, no shows, these are perhaps reasons why the band grew totally pissed off.  For fans there's a certain fascination.   For fellow band members, road crew, managers, agents, support bands, their crew, fans and venue operators.... there isn't.

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott calls Richard Patrick a douchebag
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:11:58 AM »
I'm not infatuated with Scott Weiland as many of you are on this site however that was a load of old horse*hit! The questions lined up for Scott were rubbish, unfair, awfully constructed and awfully implemented therefore it made him look a bit twatish but the questions didn't help.  As for the Richard v Scott thing....well it would be far better for them to have a chat with each other and sort sh*t out.  I've heard some of Richard Patrick's interviews in the last few years and they come across a bit overbearing...for someone like Scott they must be frustrating.  One minute RP is ON the next he is OFF (a bit like Noel Gallagher as opposed to his brother.)  That would not help Scott at all.  That's not constructive.  Then again you need to help yourself.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Best album closer?
« on: May 13, 2015, 11:56:28 AM »
Seven Caged Tigers for me.  The last 55 seconds still send shivers down my spine.  That would be my exit music so to speak.   I always put the volume up at that part.  Dean's guitar tone, the way it starts off with loads of reverb like you are in a hall... and then it ends with Dean strumming away like he's almost next to you... Best ending to a song.  Does anyone know the chords he is playing btw?

There's nothing really left to say about that video.  The excuses about sound monitors are absolutely amazing.  Unbelievable! I had written an essay about my points of views but then it got too long and just ludicrous.  All I can say is best wishes to Scott and his recovery and I hope mentally he is ok because dealing with the death of his guitarist for example must be ever so difficult! If he can allow himself to be positive it will be a start because the wildabouts that he has assembled are a decent group.

Delta Deep / Re: Delta Deep featuring Robert DeLeo
« on: April 25, 2015, 02:10:47 AM »

Art Of Anarchy / Re: Art Of Anarchy
« on: February 03, 2015, 03:37:10 AM »
I have to say that a lot of your reply's has made me revisit the Shangri-la album and I have to concede or ultimately be upbeat about the fact that coma is not as such NU METAL.  Well the Deleos made it un-NUMETAL of course,  I was very inaccurate and I apologise for that, although yes it does in theory have the makings of a nu metal song (so for example the COLD song just got wicked is very melodic but probably under the nu metal bracket) BUT as many of you suggested the deleo bros made the tune less numetal and more layered, ie the guitar solo would be a rarity in a nu-metal band (which then beggers the question why do the fans of the deleos hate the new STP?)  Anyway moving on, the tune all in the suit in you wear I will not retract anything I mentioned about that.  Yes a fairly layered and a fairly majestic tune BUT it goes nowhere... no solo... and it's written for a movie.  End of story.

Just to add yes as a Brit i'm disappointed by the reaction of the band Royal Blood, but not the band itself.  I feel the reaction is very Over the top, and so Royal Blood's next album is set up to be the royal piece of gold.... they cannot do no wrong.... they must be laughing their heads off because their debut was average... so they don't have to aim too high to produce something of decent quality and I guarantee their next album will be considered a masterpiece. (yet nowhere near an STP classic, a FNM classic a Living Colour classic.  I suppose because they have riffage they will be compared to QOTSA who are of course good but I feel very overrated.  Yet they are considered classic.)

Art Of Anarchy / Re: Art Of Anarchy
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:33:44 AM »
To be fair at least there have been some very fair responses since Weilands press releases.  I was expecting a lot of biased views but fair play to a lot of you.
At the start of this thread there was so much negativity to the music and whilst I also found the clips a bit "nu metal" I cannot see how 2 short clips would justify a "review" from most of the posters.  It makes me laugh, especially how a song like Coma for example is about as Nu Metal as it gets... yet it gets a lot of positive reaction from stp fans.  Very one dimensional, don't get me wrong I like it but it's a song most posters love yet it's average and I hear elements of this in the AOA clip yet posters are absolutely ripping it apart  (remember all in the suit that you wear....oh dear if you loved that then you cannot surely hate this stuff?!)

Yet the Wildabouts previews have been met with total admiration, as if it's new ground broken...  at the end of the day my critical side would say it's just bland retro sounding stuff (even though weilands vocals always give songs that edge... )  of course it's decent sounding, you would think these guys could produce top end sh*t and potentially it's kind of Modern Riff-esque stuff that Jet or White Stripes or those types of bands did back in the day when I thought "hey they're copying so and so or tiny music or whatever..."  (now in britain it's a duo called royal blood.)

Then it falls back on the STP stuff.  I totally agree with some posters about the production on self titled and the EP.  Something irks me with the majority of it (apart from Between the Lines and possible take a load off, and Same on the inside) but maybe that's because these songs are decent the rest are just bland (fast as you can is a prime example of a really moribund track sounding worse because of the production.)  I look forward to any Scott Weiland release, the fact he has confused matters by totally distancing himself from AOA is bizarre, especially as there was a promo photo (although I suppose that could have been a cut and paste.)  It would have made sense for him to tour Blaster, and then the new band whilst sort of promoting blaster at the same time.  But that would mean extensive tours, extensive dates, Weiland would have to come out of his comfort zone of the wildabouts and tour with the "supergroup" so to speak and how much would he be paid?  More straightforward if you live for playing live, and you are lucky enough to have no issues in life... but that's difficult for most people and we have to respect Weiland and his problems.   A shame because when I first heard the news of AOA I thought "yeah Weiland can enjoy a sort of velvet revolver spin off as well as his own stuff which is a bit more rocky than previous years..."  AND more selfishly we can enjoy two acts involving Scott Weiland....BUT we really should try and be less selfish and be greatful of the man!  I suppose what i'm trying to say is good luck with the wildabouts, we look forward to you coming to England (especially after the last dates were cancelled) and IF anything positive happens with AOA then fantastic!  Otherwise it's a gas gas gas....

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