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Messages - Peebs

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On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 21, 2011, 05:49:03 AM »
Or just make friends with some cool lookin' people about 10 people deep in the line.. Or man up and say, "Excuse me sorry, excuse me sorry, thanks, excuse me, thank you...." Until you get front row.... I ALWAYS do that, I'm not big by any means 5"11, 150 lbs..... But people showin up at 7 expecting Scott at 7:15? HA! Especially with his 7-10 book signing... Dude changed some of his clothes after signing 700 books, maybe had a little bite to eat and did some vocal warm ups then hit the stage... Who cares? It was an ELITE day/night!! Deal with it....

um there was maybe 100 people here, even if every person (which they didn't) have the "up to 5 books" signed that they were allowing, that's would be 500 books.

Most people had 1 or 2 books.

And he only changed his shirt, so all those years of drugging makes him now take an hour & a half to change his clothes.

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 21, 2011, 05:39:39 AM »

What are you 10 years old?
Do you realize how retarded that sounds?


On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:09:13 PM »
Man all I wanted to do was come on here and post a review of how much I loved the show, but I guess not just yet.

I love Scott the artist, but I lost respect for Scott the person over the past few days. If you have a problem with it, then oh well. I think I’ll live. The vast majority of people on this Board are fans of STP and love anything and everything Scott the artist does. I think because of that some people think he can do no wrong. That’s where the problem begins. Call it what you want… excuses, enabling, whatever. I’m just as guilty of this as the next super-fan. If Scott did something that didn’t show him in a positive light, I made excuses for him. And with these past two days, yea, maybe it was traffic, the weather, maybe it was management, maybe it was Gramercy or Barnes and Noble. All valid arguments because they are all very plausible, but realistically when something repeatedly happens time and time again over all these years? That’s a pattern. This doesn’t happen with a lot of other artists. Why does it keep happening with him?

Saying you’d fly all over the world and wait for days just to see Scott sing a tune is totally your business and I’m not hear to preach how you go about it. But you need to understand that it’s not for everyone. People are different. Everyone has different tolerance levels. Just because you have no problem with all the “rock star” shit he pulls and call people complainers if they disagree or don’t like it is just ignorant and you aren’t looking at the situation objectively.

As for the people who were throwing beer, booing, cursing, yelling out drug jokes, complaining about the songs, I agree, they can all go fuck themselves. I was super happy to be there for that show. I’m not upset about the performance, the setlist, his voice, how the signings were so strict or how he fuckin’ wears polka dot ties with striped shirts. I’m pissed about constantly waiting all these extra hours for everything. People are acting like being upset with his tardiness is like we’re beating his kids with Slash’s Gibson.

As for the show itself, I fuckin’ loved it. The videos everyone has posted on here are great and I thank you for capturing it. He sounded much better in person. Especially on the Nirvana track and Unglued. He sounded like old school Scott. I think the band was tight as hell even if it was just a rehearsal like performance. Scott handled the crowd really well considering all the shit he was taking.

For a long time fan who wasn't at the show or signing, my first reaction is like a lot of the others on this board - I would have loved to have had the opportunity to meet the man in person and see such an awesome show (judging by the videos and setlist) in person.  If he came to Chicago and played that exact setlist in a venue just as small, I would definitely wait and put up with all the shit even after all the complaints.  Sure I would have been annoyed to wait that long, but it would be worth it (for me at least) because the man is electric when he lays down a track or gets on stage regardless of his many problems.  Of course I wish he was more fan-friendly and considerate like a Dave Grohl, and there are no excuses for the constant tardiness, but I assume that most here put up with all the garbage because most do not hold a candle to Scott when it comes to musical artistry in our eyes.

This is a well written and level headed response to the experience and don't see the point of attacking any of the people pissed or venting from the show.  I'm just curious of, knowing what you as hardcore fans know over years of following the band, you expected from Scott?  Punctuality has never been a strength of his, so what made this experience so different?  Yeah, it sucks and there really would be no excuse to justify the delays, but was it not worth it to see the show you saw with songs that he most likely will never play again aside from maybe the upcoming LA show?  I'm not one to defend his bad behavior, but unfortunately it's part of the package and I'd personally take the bad with the good rather than nothing at all.

In an unrelated note, I had to give my first applaud for the line about Slash's Gibson - that's poetic brilliance, my friend.  And although I won't make excuses for Weiland's erratic tardiness, I will defend the polka dot ties and striped shirts :)  His sense of style is badass!

you know it's become "part of the package" because we (the fans or his enabling handlers etc...) allow it to happen.
He's no kid anymore. Neither are we. He's 43. It's time to grow up.
His contemporaries who have a similar histories have all grown up and can get to commitments on time. Perry Farrell is a first class flake. Always was, always will be. Was as hardcore if not worse drug addict. Also had fucked up things happen to him (his Mother commited suicide when he was 3). But you know what....He's clean, whether or not his performances are good or bad now he shows up on time & does give 110%. 

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 20, 2011, 04:23:44 AM »
He was 2 hours late in NJ, Casper was there. He will be here to throw in his 2 cents.
It was 2.5 hours actually. I took a photo of my watch, lol.

He must of been in the limo doing vocal exercises ;)

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:24:03 AM »
He had his band hanging all that time....his fans hanging. OH but I forgot he was hungry/had diarrhea/doing vocal exercises in the limo/finding a cure for cancer/creating world peace/it was Gramercy's fault/it was Barnes & nobles fault/it was Matt Pinfield's fault....but it's never Scott's fault.

I 100% agree Scott has faults in this event and others (if he really showed up 2+ hours late to the NJ signing too then he's certainly got faults in there too), but to absolutely put ALL the blame on him for this is a little overboard and I think it's a little stubborn to just ignore the concept of outside influences & obligations.

You keep passing things off as ass-licking excuses but that doesn't stop the fact that they're just as easily POSSIBILITIES as the picture you paint of him basically studying each situation of the day and saying "f@!k the fans".  It's not necessarily right or justified in the scheme of life, but from the first time we heard his set time wasn't till 10:30pm (which they made sure to keep us well informed), then expectations should have adjusted a bit signaling it's gonna be a late night.  I'm sure others were forced to make the same decision as you with leaving early, but seemed like many also chose to stick it out and just pour an extra cup of coffee Wednesday morning.

Cutting the fat for these piggy-backed events... he was about 40 minutes late to the signing and an hour late to hit stage.  But he signed every book AND played a full (specialized) set.  If that's enough to put you over the top then so be it.  To me, thinking upon Scott's history, I'd say that's actually pretty damn good.

He was 2 hours late in NJ, Casper was there. He will be here to throw in his 2 cents.

He signed until the obligated 10 pm. Which covered anyone in the penned in area. The B&N ppl are experts at this, this wasn't their first book signing crowd. He played what...10 songs? On what planet is that a "full set"?? That wouldn't even make a full CD. I'm sure th set would of been longer given he showed up on time.

he was about 40 minutes late to the signing and an hour late to hit stage
and you find this acceptable? Maybe you should be my boss because if I was 40 minutes or a hour late to work, it's not acceptable.

but seemed like many also chose to stick it out and just pour an extra cup of coffee Wednesday morning.
Not many, they were streaming out. They were standing outside the venue hailing cabs and complaining. Out of my group of 5....two stayed only to get screwed with train schedules and trust me...they were NOT happy.

You keep passing things off as ass-licking excuses but that doesn't stop the fact that they're just as easily POSSIBILITIES
vocal exercises in the limo is a possibility? LMAO Sorry that one still makes me laugh.

Don't worry hun, you can still keep on believing the sunshines out of his ass.

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:03:40 AM »
this isn't about what he played, those drunken frat boys are not members here. And the set list wasn't Scott solo stuff (with the exception of unglued). No one here is complaining about that. I liked it, how much of it I heard. I got he was TRYING to pair the show with a book we just bought hours earlier. It was a great concept, probably would have gotten a better recption....if it started a hour earlier.
And I completely understand what Aaron is getting at-the 99-00 Scott was trying. Scott is no longer trying. With each passing year his shtick is wearing long time fans really thin. And he had "wranglers" on Tuesday. They brought him, late, so they aren't doing a very good job. Maybe another group of "yes" people. Who knows but that's something someone like him doesn't need.
Many bands do things for their fans, NIN, PJ for example. NIN only sold tickets through their website if you were a registerd member, membership was free. To avoid scapling all tix were will call only & you had to show ID. There was no-join our fan club for $45.00 (membership due early) to get "presale" tickets which weren't grat seats anyway BUT if you were a SUPERFAN fork over $500 for a seat in the first 4 rows. But you get a free t-shirt! If your a SUPERDUPERFAN fork over $1000 for a "meet & greet" which basically you just bought signatures and a fake laminate (worth zero dollars) for a grand.

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:18:00 PM »
exxxxxxxxxxxactly Aaron!
We all knew from the get go this wasn't gonna happen until 10:30. We're all kind of used to the 1/2 late start time. It's sort of standard.
At this juncture and even Scott himself admitting to Matt Pinfield that the only way to make money in the business (because CD's don't sell) is touring and performing you would think he would be more conscious of being on time & giving back.
He's not.
so whatever bad press he gets he brings it on himself, no one else. Unfortuately it also brings everyone else around him-Dean, Robert, Eric with him

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 09:22:43 PM »
Peebs, You are absolutely justified in feeling the way you do.  I for one am also sick of the excessive waiting that accompanies every SW appearance/concert/etc.  I'll absolutely love the man as an artist, but we need to be realistic people.  This man is an incredible musician, but he has lost touch with taking care of his fan base. 

And before someone can say "at least he had a book signing", I'd just like to point out that EVERYONE has a book signing.  This isnt some fans service, this is in support of sales of a book.

I think Scott needs to take a page from a lot of other artists and really reach out to his fans and connect, do something special for us.  Fans need some TLC too.

On a separate note, I'm SO happy the performance was awesome and hope everyone that saw the actual show (regardless of wait) came away feeling they were given a stellar performance (as Scott always does). 

THANK YOU! You get it! :)
I had absolutely no problem with the show. The band was solid & Scott was giving a good performance. I only wish I could have stayed But I have a job & responsibilities (like everyone else who left). I'm glad people did get video for the songs I missed seeing. Which were the rest of Roadhouse blues on....

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 09:17:47 PM »
I love how people who weren't there & didn't experience it or see all the people pissed and leaving are giving their two cents or making excuses.
FYI Casper went to the ridgewood signing yesterday said he didn't get there til 9:00...NINE fucking o'clock.
Oh he must have been hungry  ::)

I love that as mad as you were about the concert and signing, you still went to ANOTHER book signing the next day, and are now bitching about that.  Do I have that right?   And is it so unreasonable to think that maybe he would have had to do some vocal exercises before the concert and maybe he couldn't just rush from the limo to the stage?  No one is making you go to two book signings. 

Read it again lover..
I did not, Casper did. And he will be on later to explain his side AND what transpired yesterday. He, myself and a lot of people WHO WERE THERE that we know have completely lost respect for Scott in the past 48 hours. We all love him as a artist,  we always will love his art/music. But it now ends there. 

And OMG could you people pull anymore excuses out of your asses though? I'm laughing so hard. Vocal exercises in a limo? Do you HEAR yourselves? I've heard apologists, hell I've made excuses for his disregard behavior in the past. But jesus, you ass lickers are taking excuses to much higher levels!!

GOOD!! I hope you never go to another show & miss out on amazing once in a lifetime moments. Because you'll cry like a spoiled child who didn't get everything on their Christmas List!! You wonder why people aren't feeling sorry for you? Why they're not taking you side, saying "Poor Peebs, how terrible" ??? ? CUZ THEY'D GIVE THEIR LEFT ARM TO HAVE GONE!! You sound like an ungrateful snob!

So please. Since you've got no respect for him anymore don't waste you're precious valuable time by going to see him perform ever again! You spit in the faces of people when you complain to us that would gladly pay 5 times what you did, wait for 4 hours to see a show.

Better than having a brown tongue from all the ass licking. Isn't it?
And who the FUCK is looking for anyone to feel "sorry"? I'm not sorry, but I refused to be the asshole with Scott blinders on. How the fuck can you see anything with those blinders on.
Stop with the defending the absolute indefensible.

My blinders were removed. Apparently I and a LOT of others here feel the same. To get respect you need give it to earn it. He lost it. There were many many times I (like others) gave him a "pass" (like after PNC, like getting busted before the Irving Plaza show, canceled shows, canceled tours) BUT I am also a realist.
There were a LOT people leaving during the set, not from not liking it, because of the TIME.  So much so we were able to move closer and closer towards the stage.
Homeboy showed up at B&N a little before 8-an hour late. He was done by 10pm as our friend who was close to the back of the room confirmed. Finally at around 10:30 Doug came out and said "5 more min"....and a hour later at 11:30 the show started. I HAD to go at 12:30.

He had his band hanging all that time....his fans hanging. OH but I forgot he was hungry/had diarrhea/doing vocal exercises in the limo/finding a cure for cancer/creating world peace/it was Gramercy's fault/it was Barnes & nobles fault/it was Matt Pinfield's fault....but it's never Scott's fault.

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 05:31:49 PM »
I love how people who weren't there & didn't experience it or see all the people pissed and leaving are giving their two cents or making excuses.
FYI Casper went to the ridgewood signing yesterday said he didn't get there til 9:00...NINE fucking o'clock.
Oh he must have been hungry  ::)

I love that as mad as you were about the concert and signing, you still went to ANOTHER book signing the next day, and are now bitching about that.  Do I have that right?   And is it so unreasonable to think that maybe he would have had to do some vocal exercises before the concert and maybe he couldn't just rush from the limo to the stage?  No one is making you go to two book signings. 

Read it again lover..
I did not, Casper did. And he will be on later to explain his side AND what transpired yesterday. He, myself and a lot of people WHO WERE THERE that we know have completely lost respect for Scott in the past 48 hours. We all love him as a artist,  we always will love his art/music. But it now ends there. 

And OMG could you people pull anymore excuses out of your asses though? I'm laughing so hard. Vocal exercises in a limo? Do you HEAR yourselves? I've heard apologists, hell I've made excuses for his disregard behavior in the past. But jesus, you ass lickers are taking excuses to much higher levels!!

Scott Weiland / Re: "Not Dead & Not For Sale" Reviews
« on: May 19, 2011, 04:32:43 PM »
I am grown up and look at things without bias. You though never let down your Weiland fascination and wouldn't dare call them on any bad thing they've done.

Any interesting recording bits? None of that in this book.
Any fascinating stories relating to touring and the band members? None of that in this book.

Instead we get a few drug stories we've already heard countless times before, now repeated with even fewer details from the man that went through it all. Considering that was practically the primary selling point of the book, I'd say it failed on a major scope.

You though can't accept that. Instead it's "our loss" to those that have already read any article or interview from the band in the past 18 years, since this book is essentially just an extended wikipedia article.


I absolutely agree with you.
It was a vague book full of shit we already knew with a shit load of pictures we never saw before. We got a picture book.
I ripped through it in a day, and I am a slow reader. Not like "Just kids" that I read all summer, but I was devoring that book. Every word.
But perhaps if your going to release a autobiography wait a few years. When your far away from your addictions so you can look at the ENTIRE picture clearly. He admits to only being 3 months sober at the time of writing it.

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 11:39:34 AM »
I love how people who weren't there & didn't experience it or see all the people pissed and leaving are giving their two cents or making excuses.
FYI Casper went to the ridgewood signing yesterday said he didn't get there til 9:00...NINE fucking o'clock.
Oh he must have been hungry  ::)

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:44:15 AM »
I was bummed by all the waiting myself (@ B&N and @ Grammercy, but you have to put some on management of SW, mgmt of B&N, mgmt of Gramercy as well).

How is it B&N or The Gramercy's fault that it took him an hour & a half to go .06 miles....or 6 blocks?
A friend who got there later than us (way later) and was towards the back of the seating area was signed & out on the #6 and met us at The Globe having a drink. So Scott was WAY done at 10 pm.

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:39:14 AM »
OK... So as  someone who was there Yesterday for all of the day’s events, allow me to  wax-poetic for a moment (i've wanted to use that phrase all day for some  reason, lol) . I was at Barns & Noble at 4:30 PM yesterday for the book  signing so it was clearly a long day, which of course didn't start until after  work. Here is what I'll say, I think the issues that occurred yesterday (if you  call them issues, i had a blast) we're the result of bad planning and  management. I loved the show and the setlist, but I can see how this show could  have been billed differently. WRXP, who presented the show, could have made it  apparent to 'those fans who only expected STP/VR/12BB/HIG' that this was going  to be a special/different show coinciding with the release of  his book.  I know that we here on belowempty know who  Doug G. is, and had the scoop beforehand. However, I don’t think that anyone  else had any idea that this show would be so different,  and in turn those disappointed assholes booing  and throwing shit on stage have a negative impact on the people who really want  to be there and on Scott who clearly was annoyed and didn’t seem like he wanted  to be there.
While I had  an amazing time, I think the days management, the timing - scott hitting the  stage @ 11:45 ( 4:45 after the 7PM doors opened) - compounded with the  unfamiliar set list was  the perfect  storm to piss some people off. 
Personally,  the only thing that slightly bothered me yesterday, was that during his  interviews with both Stern & Pinfield and his onstage banter, he kept  mentioning how the music industry doesn’t sell records anymore and as an artist  you have to be out on the road a lot to make money.  Yet, he really didn’t mention his  appreciation for the fans and the fact that he can go out and people will pay  to hear him night after night. I just didn’t get the sense that he was grateful  for the fans. But at the same time, I’ve seen STP 29 times and I’ve grown to  accept the fact that Scott is Scott.
At the end  of the day, I thought it was worth the time, the money and the effort. I had a  fuckin blast and only wish it had been organized a bit better.

I forgot to add that I was surprised that Doug came on stage at 10:30ish and announced that scott would be on in 15 min. I just found that odd.

you know what's funny, Tommy London the lead singer for the Pearls tweeted today he was buying a Scott Weiland watch where your 3 hours behind everyone else.  lol

WST (Weiland Standard time) is 15 minutes is actually and hour...

On Tour / Re: SWB at Gramercy Theatre - May 17th
« on: May 19, 2011, 02:35:14 AM »
17th street to 23rd St....6 blocks. 0.9 miles by car. 0.5 miles by foot. One subway stop on the 6 train for us regular folks.
No excuse.
The Gramercy (or the ticket) said DOORS open at 7. It never stated SHOW at 7. The Dirty Pearls got the gig literally last minute. I think they found out at 2pm. They went on around 8:30. I don't know, I missed them  >:(
If your supposed to be in a book store at 7pm...BE THERE AT 7PM. Not 7:45. The Q&A with Pinfield wasn't long, he could of been signing by 7:30, not 8:30. The lady who kept making announcements said "Scott had to be out of the book store by 10pm" So....you go 0.6 miles in a hour and a half? yea. uh. no. So if people were expecting him at 10-10:30 show start and you were in and out of Barnes & noble and made it to Gramercy by 8:30-9 that's waiting 3-2 1/2 hours for the show. I just checked my text messages from last night-I was on my way to The Bar across the street from the gramercy at 8:30. We decided to meet a friend there to have a drink & have some food to kill time. at 10 we went across the street expecting the show to start in 1/2 an hour....another hour and a half later....
Again not one person has answered the question-in what universe is his time more valuable than ours? Does he expect a flight to wait for him OR does he get to the airport on time? Does his dentist or doctor allow him to saunter in a hour & a half after the scheduled appt and screw the patients who arrived on time for their appts?
The tardiness act is getting real old and real thin. And it's pissing off more and more people.

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