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Messages - White Knuckles

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: STP @ Jones Beach?
« on: June 04, 2008, 05:30:10 AM »
no lawn seats @ jones beach, all seats, nice venue tho...

BTW really important question to ask you guys... so since this was just announced, I already bought a ticket to see Slipknot and Disturbed on the same day :(  Now I really wanna see slipknot, but at the same time I wanna see STP again... Slipknots playing other dates, so I was wondering if you guys know any way in that I could get a refund/exchange for my slipknot ticket?

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: STP @ Jones Beach?
« on: June 03, 2008, 06:51:31 AM »
so its not on ticketmaster's or STP's website but its here

So I can't find any info, but apparently STP is playing Jones Beach Aug 6th, and tix go on sale June 6th?  Anybody have any information on this?

Quote from: "STPGurl"
I can't stand Opie or Anthony.  Ugh.  Most annoying radio personalities of all time.

I was so happy when they were fired

dammit I'm late, I need to get tix for this

I thought the concert was fucking awesome.  The band had a few flaws, not just weiland, but overall i thought they were very good.  Would have liked a longer setlist, with some more rarities, but what can you do?  Also the smoke was a nice effect, and SIN was awesome live.

I took a shitload of pics, some came out good, some not so, but I uploaded them all here
http://s93.photobucket.com/albums/l55/m ... STP%20PNC/

I've also got a few videos I'm going to upload to youtube soon

The Wicked Garden / Re: Lookin for a ring tone
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:21:29 AM »
my ringer is the chorus to big bang baby, and my texts is "i wanna run thru your wicked garden...."

I make them myself, so if anybody wants them, let me know

part of all in the suite that you wear

I thought the show was fucking AWESOME... I was so happy to hear wicked garden and big bang baby... and I tried taping a few songs, its just on my lil camera tho, so not too good quality, but once I get the chance I will upload them for you guys, I tried getting All in the suite that you wear, but Im not sure how the sound came out yet

On Tour / Re: New Stone Temple Pilots live song
« on: May 10, 2008, 03:27:29 AM »
"She wears the leather, I wear the make-up"

thats my answer to that question.

Also really hoping for no way out, that's my favorite song on No. 4

I used to really like Puddle of Mudd.  Control reminds me of my first gf in high school "I love the way you smack my ass..."  ;)

I thought the 2nd album was good too, kinda dark, not too catchy like the first one, but still good.  Third album killed it though

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: New Header Pic on STP site?
« on: May 08, 2008, 05:44:36 AM »
I think it's supposed to be funny

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: EXTRA TICKET 12 ROWS FROM STAGE!!
« on: May 08, 2008, 05:41:35 AM »
I'd love to take you up on that offer, but I'll still be in Ohio for Rock on the Range :(

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