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Messages - keith82

Pages: [1]
Amazing show. The band was as tight as ever and Scott was in the best form I've seen since the first VR tour. He seemed pretty coherent to me. As far as substance goes, he seems to have gotten whatever he's been losing it with under control in the last couple weeks. I am loving the jamming/improv. The little country song was great.

They were definately one of the reasons. My first shows with bands were filled with STP songs (played horribly, I'm sure).

Quote from: "HeavenandHotrods87"
Where is their old practice field?

Southwest corner of the complex, outside the parking lot.
Looks like I'll be out of town for this one. Hopefully I'll catch a show on the road.

On Tour / Re: Re: Scott Weiland's second solo album
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:10:32 PM »
Quote from: "pj88"

He could possibly tour. Maybe something like Eddie Vedder just wrapped up. From what I have read, it was a pretty good success. If Vedder could pull it off, Scott definitely could. I'd love to see it.

The Ed tour was completely different from what Scott would do. It was just Ed playing either guitar, mandolin, or uke (until the end when opener Neil Finn joined him on drums). Scott would have some sort of group behind him. I guess we'll have to wait and hear what the album sounds like though.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Scott should have joined AIC instead of VR
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:07:56 PM »
We might not have an STP reunion right now if Scott had joined AIC.
I think William Duvall is doing a fantastic job. I hope the new material they're writing turns out strong.

On Tour / Re: Frank Black To Open For Stone Temple Pilots
« on: May 06, 2008, 07:57:16 PM »
Frank Black is cool. A little overrated by some, though I feel. If you need to talk about Nirvana to illustrate how cool The Pixies are, there's something wrong.
I like how the author fails to mention The Pixies reunion last year or whatever that came "at an economically opportune moment for all parties involved."

Robert DeLeo / Re: MTV News Interview With Robert DeLeo 4/22/2008
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:48:18 AM »
That Frampton thing is kinda cool. I'm not a huge fan or anything but sounds interesting. Scott is in Chicago finishing up his solo record now so it looks like they're all still a little busy with other things.

Quote from: "crackerdude"
If i didn't know who Mother Love Bone were I'd say, Omg they were apart of Major league Baseball!

And Scott, Kretz, and the DeLeos worked for a gas and oil additive company.

Quote from: "loungefly611"
Yeah, you're right. My apologies.

So who was in MLB then from the current PJ line-up? Stone and Jeff?

Yep, just Stone and Jeff. By the end of MLB, Stone and Jeff were seen as a bit of an institution, surviving the dissolving Green River (with Mark and Steve from Mudhoney) and now MLB. When PJ was started up, it was seen a little bit by some as MLB with a different singer, even though Mike and Dave Krusen were new members as well.
I picked up a used cassette copy of Ten a couple years ago and it has a sicker that says "featuring members of Mother Love Bone" or something to that effect.

For the record, Mike was not in MLB. Maybe you're thinking of Temple of the Dog?

But I do agree that Pearl Jam and STP need not be compared at this stage in their careers. I am a bigger PJ fan, but also love STP for entirely different reasons (different musical qualities).

I used to know this guy who claimed to be around around during the making of Core who said Brendan O'Brien specifically gave Scott copies of Ten and Nevermind as a model of what the band should go for. That's fairly common for a producer to do, especially for a new band. I have no idea if the guy is for real (he didn't seem completely off the wall) but it is a plausible story. Scott's vocal evolution does coincide with it. While his vocals are deeper than anything after, I would only consider Plush as a potential Vedder sound-a-like.

By Tiny Music or even Purple the two bands had gone in two completely wonderful directions. Both went on to make greater music than their debut albums. It's all good.

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Re: Hi
« on: April 10, 2008, 11:23:11 PM »
thanks guys.

I was confused as to how they would fill a freakin' football stadium, but I looked around and found that this summer they're launching "Concerts On the Green" on the Chargers' old practice field. Capacity is 13,000.

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Hi
« on: April 08, 2008, 08:12:07 PM »
Registered a few weeks ago, first post here. I was hanging out on the official board, but it's REALLY hard to work right now so I thought I'd come over here and say what's up.

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