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Topics - stpfreak

Pages: [1]
The Wicked Garden / My dad, supporting my STP devotion
« on: July 20, 2009, 02:12:37 PM »
So I got this email from my father yesterday.  My dad is 67 years old and took my to my 2nd STP concert.  He always said liked them better than Bush or Green Day (my sister's favorites at the time).  Too cute.
Check this out:
Subject:  STP
I thought I heard on the radio that STP was going to have a concert at Mohegan Sun.  I looked at the MS website and no listed for STP appeared.  I also looked at the STP website and only Baltimore and Atlantic City appeared.  Are they coming to Foxwoods or MS in the near future?
Weiland Rules

My dad even called me to make sure I knew they were in town.  I am impressed he was able to navigate the internet to get me the upcoming dates.

Also, in high school, my mom used to write me out for doctor appointments so I could buy the new cd and listen to it once before going back to school.  Thanks mom!

Anyone else have parents that do things like this?

Tiny Music... / do you remember where you were 13 years ago?? 3 26 96
« on: March 26, 2009, 12:29:44 PM »
tiny music was released today 13 years ago!  
I was a freshman in high school and wore nothing but stp shirts for like a month leading up to the big day.  my mom let ne leave school for a "dentist" appointment.  we went to barnes and noble since they opened first and I got to listen to my new stp cd once before going back to school.  when I got back everyone wanted to know about it!  thank you mom for being so cool!

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / New to board, old fan to STP
« on: February 08, 2009, 11:38:56 PM »
Hey all-
I've been reading this board for awhile and finally am joining.  The whole job thing won't let me visit messaging boards but now I have a trusty PDA and live is much better.

I have been an STP fan for almost 15 years.  I've seen them 14 times (including MSG show 1996, HOB in LA 2000, and the PNC show 2008).  To me the band is like an old friend.  It's been an interesting relationship but fits like an old glove.  Hearing that the guys were getting back together for the summer tour was some of the best news I'd heard in ages.  I dusted off all those videos and began debating what shirts I would wear to the concerts.  It felt great to be a fan.

In high school I was teased for my love of the band and people would pass notes to me with tombstones of Scott Weiland.  Now those same douche bags congratulate me on being a female with good taste in music (every other girl was into Gavin Rossdale).  I also started an online fan club in the mid nineties called the Lounge Flies and I am guessing some of you may have been members.

Other non STP info, I am 28 years old, raised in New Jersey, went to college in CA and came back.  I love NJ!  I am happily married and I am glad to say my husband is a fan as well.  Not as much as me though!

I look forward to chatting with you all!


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