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Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Allow myself to introduce... myself!
« on: November 03, 2008, 03:33:39 AM »
Hi everyone!
                  Ack! n00b posts are always so awkward! My name is Cheryl. I'm from the San Francisco area. Been a fan of STP since around 1994. I've seen them 3 times. Twice this past tour, and once in 2001 at the Family Values tour. The last time I saw them on Sept 3rd in Sac., was my first experience of being upfront at an STP show. There's nothing like Weiland dancing in your face! I've been lurking for a few months to get a feel for the board, and really like it. I registered about a month ago. Now that I'm all doped up on cold meds, I decided to make my first (ok 2nd) post. Look forward to reading/posting about my fave band.

P.S. I love the BG's on this board!   >:D

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