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Topics - Getinrowdy3

Pages: [1]
Scott Weiland / Weiland with a beard
« on: June 09, 2008, 07:09:20 PM »
I think his best look is with a beard, it fills out his gaunt face and doesnt make him look so skin and bones.  He usually grows one when he's not on the road, but his last tour w/ VR he had one for half the tour and I thought, along w/ his long hair, sported one of his best looks- what do yall think?

The Wicked Garden / 1995, the lost year
« on: May 22, 2008, 09:01:29 PM »
In February of 1995, STP did 2 weeks in the studio, all of which was eventually scrapped after, from what I can guess, Scott was MIA. I wonder what, if anything, from these sessions, was picked up the following Fall and used for Tiny Music. I feel like 1995 is a hazy year in everyone's mind since STP did practically nothing until Tiny Music, but does anyone know anything interesting from this year or from the scrapped sessions?

Also, looking at the what Scott did with the Magnificent Bastards, it would be totally logical to think that Tiny Music(lyrically) came from the transformation that Scott went through during 95'- as he started to where more classical clothing and go towards a more '60's sound.

Anyone have any thoughts on this lost year?

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