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Messages - Dive

Pages: [1]
Happy In Galoshes / Re: Best Buy Deluxe Edition
« on: December 01, 2008, 10:24:34 PM »
Thanks for responding STPGirl. I wasn't expecting the CD before the release at all. I read the text on the order. I just got another email today saying it's backordered. So I won't be getting it by Dec. 2nd either. At this point, I'm just going to buy it when I get to the city.  ::)

Happy In Galoshes / Re: Best Buy Deluxe Edition
« on: November 27, 2008, 03:32:09 AM »
I feel ya, as for Best Buy. I'm so pissed off at them right now. For me, they haven't fulfilled what they advertised AT ALL! I ordered the deluxe CD, never got the mp3 download. I wrote to their customer service, they forwarded my email to the Promotions Dept regarding the free mp3...I never heard back! Now the CD is backordered, and it will be approx. two weeks.  Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't pre-ordering ensuring you'll get a copy when it's released? That's what I thought the purpose was...but what do I know. I will never pre-order anything from them again.  ::)

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Allow myself to introduce... myself!
« on: November 03, 2008, 03:33:39 AM »
Hi everyone!
                  Ack! n00b posts are always so awkward! My name is Cheryl. I'm from the San Francisco area. Been a fan of STP since around 1994. I've seen them 3 times. Twice this past tour, and once in 2001 at the Family Values tour. The last time I saw them on Sept 3rd in Sac., was my first experience of being upfront at an STP show. There's nothing like Weiland dancing in your face! I've been lurking for a few months to get a feel for the board, and really like it. I registered about a month ago. Now that I'm all doped up on cold meds, I decided to make my first (ok 2nd) post. Look forward to reading/posting about my fave band.

P.S. I love the BG's on this board!   >:D

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