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Messages - oldman

Pages: [1] 2
Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: Record Company Woes
« on: July 13, 2008, 10:18:40 PM »
Quote from: "STEAK"
Every live show is probably on DVD somewhere collecting dust...

Actually a whole lot of it ends up on the internet and/or in the hands of bootleggers. You'd be shocked to see how many CDs and DVDs of your favorite bands (STP included) you can find at local flea markets and swap meets aside from the online trade. The bands that record and sell their own shows are being really smart 'cos the stuff gets out there anyway and this way they have some control over quality all the while retaining full copyright. Hopefully STP and others will feel more confident that the market is out there for that and will start producing these "custom" live CDs. A few bands do it already but I'd like to see some larger acts using their own labels for direct releases like this.

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Re: Friends and Lovers
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:56:38 PM »
Always nice to "meet" another STP fan. Glad you jumped on board!
It's also great to see someone with a Crim Justice Major who's decided NOT to go the Law School route. Psych Masters sounds really interesting. Congrats on the graduation and good luck with the Masters degree (also FSU?).
Keep on Rockin'!

I just read in local rag that these tickets are slow selling. Not just limited to STP though as it was an article on how all the Summer tours are suffering from a combination of the economy, high gas prices and high ticket prices (tho STP wasn't singled out for especially high priced tix either). The good thing was that the end of the article surmised that lower concert prices might be the end result of the dysmal Summer touring season. Let's hope so - I'm sick of paying up to $100 or more for some acts (that will remain unnamed here).

Looks like of 50,000 there were no Below Empty folks there. VERY strange! Yes, really good to hear that review and that maybe Scott's got a handle on his meds now. That review was from a "professional critic" and you can guess my views on that profession so even better!

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: STP @ Jones Beach?
« on: June 09, 2008, 04:58:37 PM »
Quote from: "Peebs"
Glendale isn't far from Forest Hills. And there is a LIRR station in Forest Hills.

It's definitely not 2 hours away!

FYI - the train ride is short (especially if you can catch an express train and avoid the stops between Jamaica and Freeport) but the bus....well... let's just say Long Island is not known for it's great public transportation. Leave early and enjoy the beach if you get there too soon. The ocean is a short walk or you can enjoy Zach's Bay which is literally where the Theater is. Jones Beach is a wonderful NY State park (thank you Robert Moses) and a great place to enjoy the day prior to a show. Take it from someone who grew up just a few miles (and a good thumb) away.
As to rain - I wasn't suggesting anyone would "melt" from it - just a warning to bring adequate gear. Oh, and it's an all cement venue so no mud fun. :(

Played Shows 1992-2012 / Re: STP @ Jones Beach?
« on: June 08, 2008, 08:17:05 PM »
If I remember rightly (and it's been a while) Wantagh is best from the East and Freeport from the West (NYC folks). Jones Beach itself IS in Wantagh so make your decisions and just GET THERE (wish I was there - that place is awesome on good nights). Also - if it rains you won't have any cover but the band will so there's gonna be a show no matter what. A bit windy too if you care (or plan on recording the show - which I hope SOMEONE will).

Quote from: "Stpilots98"
Same setlist sans to cool, silvergun, and all in the suit :(

Dontcha just LUV the internet? I mean we get basically real-time info on the show and we can let those there know weather updates. It's great to live in the 21st century!

Pleased To Meet You, Nice To Know Me / Re: First Post
« on: June 01, 2008, 05:34:18 AM »
I think we all started in stalker territory :)
Glad you came out into the light. I did the same myself just recently though I've been following STP since the early days of Mighty Joe Young when I used to catch 'em down here in San Diego. Being so close to the band (proximity wise) meant I actually got to meet Scott back in the early days of Core's release and congratulate them on gettin' signed by a label. When I think of all the water that's gone under the bridge since then it blows me away! I've seen every tour (actually in several cities across this great nation) and they definitely produced some of my favorite shows ever. This site's pretty cool too and there's plenty of good folks to interact with once you let us/them know you're actually here. So...welcome!

Scott Weiland / Re: Scott & Janina
« on: May 31, 2008, 04:28:25 AM »
Quote from: "Sledgehammers of Truth"
She's pictured at the beginning of the STP rockumentary.  She looked really good there.  They were on a plane making a crack about it looking "like a Led Zeppelin video."  Which I always found interesting since from the pictures I've seen Janina kind of resembled Robert Plant's first wife (seen briefly in Zeppelin's The Song Remains the Same).

You think she looks like Maureen? Plant's wife was so dark skinned though. Almost Indian looking. Check the vid again. Similar facial features maybe but I dunno...

Scott Weiland / Re: Blonde Scott
« on: May 31, 2008, 04:18:18 AM »
Quote from: "EclecticBohemian"
At first I hated it but it's growing on me.  Looking pretty good here-not skinny to me!
http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg20 ... veland.jpg[/img]

O.K. you might be right...THERE he looks pretty normal but it was THESE photos that got me concerned:

http://picture.php?pictures/concert/200 ... CN1345.jpg[/img]

http://picture.php?pictures/concert/200 ... CN1346.jpg[/img]

The wierd thing is that all these were taken at the same show. Hmmm....(bad) lighting perhaps? Let's hope so.

Alright - can't get the photos to show for some reason. Cut and paste these linkies for the horrorshow pics:

http://www.belowempty.com/picture.php?p ... CN1345.jpg
http://www.belowempty.com/picture.php?p ... CN1346.jpg

On Tour / Re: Recent renditions of Big Bang Baby..
« on: May 31, 2008, 04:07:53 AM »
There's actually a whole thread on these boards debating whether it should be dropped from the set. I think there's messing around with it on purpose to change things up a bit. Some like it, some don't but that's always the nature of music and musical performances (especially live). I'd like to know if it's been intentional or not but if asked I'm not sure they wouldn't just say it's a different "rendition" of BBB. Let's see how it progresses over the course of the tour before rendering any final judgments I say.

The Wicked Garden / Re: Lookin for a ring tone
« on: May 31, 2008, 04:00:52 AM »
Quote from: "CMCracker"
oh thanks but I was lookng for like maybe a specific part of a song or something... I have a program on my computer that lets me make them myself

i think i am going to use the very begining of coma

I make my own too and I think Coma would be a FINE choice. There's my $0.02 for ya! Of course Sex Type Thing might shake up some folks too.

Stone Temple Pilots News / Re: just stop playing Big Bang Baby live
« on: May 31, 2008, 03:59:05 AM »
I agree that Scott's doing it that way on purpose. Listen carefully - his voice isn't cracking nor is he straining. It's just a "new" way to do an "old" song.  I'm sure it must be kinda boring doing the same songs the same ways for years at a time (even with a 7 year break!). Just my opinion. As to keeping the song in the set...why not...there are lots of other songs they COULD do but they've been trying to get a groove going on the ones they're using right now. After a while I'm positive it'll change up again and then people will be complaining that ______ "sounds like crap". To each their own - as long as the band is back together and can keep it so long enough to finish the tour and (OH MY) realease another CD I'll be thrilled!

Scott Weiland / Re: Blonde Scott
« on: May 29, 2008, 06:34:54 AM »
Scott's been red, blue, green, brown, maybe a few others I can't think of right now so blonde's no big deal. It's the rest of him (check out how skinny he is these days!) that's scarin' the crap outta me!

The Wicked Garden / Re: Whats STP's best album...
« on: May 29, 2008, 06:31:32 AM »
Just picking one album as "the best" is so hard to do. The band changed and diversified so much over the short time they were together it's almost like they were changing their lineup. Hard to believe it was the same set of guys. If I was absolutely forced to choose though it would be Core. An awesome debut and you have to remember what was going on in the music scene at the time (especially out here in SoCal). Such power and force from a band most had never heard before AND it stands up to this day. Nothing against the other albums but it was such a breath of fresh air for fans of real Rock n Roll! Not to mention the amazing way it came across live (before fame and drugs took hold).

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